
CCNY In the News

January 10, 2017

High-Quality Early Learning According to Yvonne Smith

Education professor Beverly Falk's short film "Walking Alongside the Learner: Curriculum in Yvonne’s Pre-K Classroom" is the focus of this ECE Policy Matters article.
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January 06, 2017

Vince Giordano: There’s a Future in the Past’: Film Review

The Hollywood Reporter's film review on Professor Dave Davidson's documentary "Vince Giordano: There’s a Future in the Past."
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January 05, 2017

I-Team: Possible Causes of LIRR Train Crash

CCNY transportation expert Robert Paaswell discusses LIRR train crash on NBC.
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January 04, 2017

Stoicism Now: Conversation with Massimo Pigliucci

Massimo Pigliucci, K.D. Irani Professor of Philosophy at the City College of New York, discusses stoicism.
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January 03, 2017

Science Goes to the Movies Season 3, Episode 3: Star Trek/Tony Stark’s Lab

CCNY Physicist Vinod Menon appears on CUNY TV science show.
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December 27, 2016

Scientists want to store your data on diamonds

A team of researchers at CCNY are looking at using the defects found in diamonds' structure to store data.
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December 27, 2016

First Crop of Foreign Entrepreneurs Setting Up Shop at CUNY

CCNY-based IN2NYC program to lure international entrepreneurs is up and running.
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December 15, 2016

Trump's pick for energy secretary once sought to eliminate DOE

CCNY physicist Michael Lubell comments in nature magazine on possible nomination of Rick Perry as Department of Energy Secretary.
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December 14, 2016

Green High-Tech Housing

Oracle Magazine's piece on Spitzer School architecture graduate students' green design.
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December 12, 2016

Fearing Trump crackdown, “dreamers” advised to end travel

CCNY student Nancy Lopez is the focus of AP piece on the "Dream" program and fear of a Trump crackdown.
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