
CCNY In the News

July 11, 2017

Give and take: Credentials could aid panhandling

CCNY sociology lecturer Gwendolyn Dordick's piece in The Conversation on panhandling in NYC.
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July 07, 2017

CCNY, UTEP Team Up to Increase Hispanic Faculty in STEM

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education's article about CCNY and University of Texas at El Paso's "Collaborative Research: The Hispanic AGEP Alliance for the Environmental Science and Engineering Professoriate."
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July 05, 2017

Ramona Hernández: “Aquí hay dominicanos para rato”

El Nuevo Dia newspaper's Q & A with CCNY Professor Ramona Hernandez, director of the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute.
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July 03, 2017

The ‘Father of Black History’ Was Afro-Puerto Rican

Professor Vanessa K. Valdés speaks about Arturo Schomburg, also known as the “Father of Black History” for NPR's Latino USA.
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June 28, 2017

Topological Photonics Come to Light

Topological concepts have been demonstrated in microwave photonic systems but laser-written waveguides show the way to topological physics for light at optical frequencies.
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June 27, 2017

Professor Elizabeth Biddinger Brings New Insights In Carbon Dioxide Utilization

Professor Elizabeth Biddinger of The City College of New York, USA about her recent article on copper-based catalysts for carbon dioxide electroreduction.
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June 21, 2017

CCNY scientists develop rapid method for preparing molecules with potential against HIV

CCNY HIV research led by Mahesh Lakshman reported in News Medical Life Sciences
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June 12, 2017

CUNY launches Dominican Studies master’s program | Manhattan Times

The Uptown Collective reprints Manhattan Times piece on new DSI Master's track program.
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June 12, 2017

Startup Incubator Helps College Students on Path to Entrepreneurship

Next City highlights CCNY's Zahn Innovation Center student Startup Incubator progam.
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June 09, 2017

It Happens Every Spring in Harlem: A Festival of Poetry

Poets & Writers blog highlights CCNY’s Annual Poetry Festival and the CCNY Poetry Outreach Center, directed by English Professor Pamela Laskin.
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