
CCNY In the News

December 11, 2019

Screens in the Classroom: Tool or Temptation?

Pamela Stemberg, adjunct assistant professor of English at CCNY, is quoted in The New York Times for the positive role technology plays in her class.
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November 19, 2019

How to Close the Tech Skills Gap Industry involvement in computer science programs can upgrade the talent pipeline

According to a blog in Scientific American, CCNY's Grove School of Engineering recently partnered with Facebook to develop a cybersecurity graduate program, which draw upon Facebook’s insights and experts to give students an edge in one of the industry’s most in-demand, fastest-growing specialties.
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November 08, 2019

AI robots will be 'as smart as monkeys and have murderous thoughts about humans'

UK Daily Star newspaper report on CCNY physicist Michio Kaku warning of perils of AI robots.
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November 08, 2019

CCNY researchers receive two U.S. patents for brain cancer-detecting innovation

News Medical Life Sciences report on Robert Alfano-led innovative brain cancer detection research.
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November 04, 2019

Notes From Boomerang Creek: An infamous college basketball scandal revisited

Mexican Ledger preview of “The City Game" book and chat with author Matthew Goodman.
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October 15, 2019

From Poland To The USSR To Iran To Israel: A Holocaust Story

Forward Newspaper piece by CCNY English Mikhal Dekel, author of “Tehran Children: A Holocaust Refugee Odyssey.”
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October 09, 2019

Escaping the Nazis by Way of Iran

New York Times book review of CCNY English Professor Mikhal Dekel's “Tehran Children: A Holocaust Refugee Odyssey."
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