
CCNY In the News

October 12, 2018

Robert Alfano adds two more awards to his biophotonics accolades

BioOptics piece on CCNY physicist Robert Alfano's latest research honors.
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October 09, 2018

Rethinking the Way We Manage, Repurpose Waste

Waste 360 article on 2018 EEC/WTERT Bi-Annual Conference at CCNY's Grove School of Engineering.
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October 04, 2018

Leon Lederman, Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist, Dies at 96

Report on the death of Leon Lederman, CCNY Class of 1943 and one of City College's 10 Nobel Laureates.
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October 04, 2018

A colossal elevator to space could be going up sooner than you ever imagined

NBC News quotes world renowned CCNY physicist Michio Kaku on the feasibility of colossal space elevator.
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September 28, 2018

Diversity andinclusion in the PR profession: The case for change

PR Week mentioned a Harvard Business Review article by Angela Chitkara, PR track director of the Branding + Integrated Communications Program at the CCNY.
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September 26, 2018

Should plastics be a source of energy?

Chemical & Engineering News article on turning plastic into a source of energy quotes CCNY engineer Marco Castaldi.
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September 25, 2018

Does the Purple Mattress Live Up to the Hype? Investigation Puts It to the Test

Professor Ali Sadegh, of CCNY's Grove School of Engineering, was alongside supervising Inside Edition’s Chief Investigative Correspondent Lisa Guerrero in the college's Wingate Fitness Center as she tried to see if the human egg drop test really worked on the Purple Mattress.
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September 05, 2018

What Was Lost in Brazil’s Devastating Museum Fire

CCNY associate professor of biology Ana Carnaval comments on two hundred years of work—and millions of priceless specimens—destroyed in a preventable tragedy.
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September 04, 2018

'Cursed' Spanish Novel Published After 400 Years

WBUR report quotes Raquel Chang-Rodriguez, Distinguished Professor at CCNY, who specializes in colonial letters from the Andean region and Mexico.
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August 29, 2018

Suburbs See Apartment-Building Boom

CCNY architecture professor June Williamson comments on apartment construction boom in article published by "Governing."
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