
The Development of the Multimedia Center (Since January 2001)


dgr%61%73serb%61%75er@ccny.cu %6ey.%65du" rel="nofollow"> dgrasserbauer@ccny.cuny.edu
Director of the Multimedia Center

The Multimedia Center got created with the PT3 grant in January 2001. My task was to establish a computer lab with PCs and MACs. Furthermore I was charged to introduce faculty and staff to different technologies to help them to infuse technology in the classroom. Please click on the following links to see a photo gallery about the progress of the computer labs and workshops I conducted:

I would like to thank Henny Wong, Director of Technology, and the Multimedia Center assistants, who worked hard with me on this project in 2001.

Grand Opening of the Multimedia Center on October 18, 2001

Even though the Multimedia Center was used from the beginning by faculty and students in the spring 2001 semester, this Center has not been officially opened until October. Finally, by the beginning of the fall 2001 semester everything was in place to introduce the Multimedia Center on a large scale to faculty and staff (see the above photo gallery about the development of the Center). We celebrated with a Grand Opening:

Last Updated: 12/16/2019 10:20