Application to Reserve Equipment

Faculty, Staff, and students can reserve different equipment therefore please select the appropriate application (read the information below before reserving):

These are the steps to borrow equipment:

  1. Reserve, at least a week in advance, what you would like to borrow after checking the schedule. Make sure that you fill out the exact DATE and TIME you will PICK UP and RETURN the equipment. In case of unforeseen events where you need the equipment sooner than within seven days, please contact " rel="nofollow"> via phone or email in addition to reserving online (Students, Faculty & Staff). You can reserve equipment for maximal two weeks. If you did not provide all required information, your reservation will not be processed.
  2. After submitting your reservation, you will receive an email either confirming the reservation or explaining the availability, only if you provided ALL necessary information.
  3. With your valid CCNY ID, you can pick up the equipment from North Academic Center, Room 4/221 at the agreed pick up DATE and TIME. If you do not pick up the equipment within 24 hours of your reservation (the time you agreed to pick it up), your reservation will be cancelled. You can only pick up equipment you reserved through our online system.
  4. Return the equipment to North Academic Center, Room 4/221 at the agreed return DATE and TIME. Failure to do so will prevent you from borrowing equipment for the rest of the semester.
  5. Should you need to change your reservation, please notify us via the Online Reservation Form (Students, Faculty & Staff) for change of date and/or time, cancel, etc. If you need additional equipment, please fill out the Online Reservation Form (Students, Faculty & Staff) again. Try to avoid changes since that particular equipment might be already reserved by others.
  6. Extending your reservation: You can only extend your reservation if the equipment is not reserved by someone else. To be considered for an extension, you have to contact us via the Online Reservation Form (Students, Faculty & Staff) at least four business days in advance. On the scheduled return date, you have to come to the Multimedia Center and present the equipment. At that time we might grant you an extension of the reservation. If you already reserved equipment for two weeks, you cannot extend your reservation.

Last Updated: 12/16/2019 10:20