Call for Papers


International Multilingual Creative Writing Conference (MCWC)
of New York City
November 13-15, 2024

Submit Now

Extended Submission Deadline: September 15, 2024
Registrations Fees: $150 (Regular) | $75 Students with ID
Conference location: CCNY CWE (25 Broadway, 7th Floor, NYC)
Accommodations not provided.

We invite individual and panel proposals in these areas:

Pedagogy: Methodologies, Strategies, and Tools; Program and Curriculum Development.
Poetics: Poiesis and Po-ethics; Cyber and Digital Poetics/Literature.
Publishing: Agents and Contracts; Editing & Technologies; Contests; Marketing and Distribution.
Fiction Craft and Criticism: Flash Fiction and Short Fiction; Novel; Historical Fiction; Science Fiction; Fantasy; Dystopian and Alternative History.
Non-Fiction: Journalism; Chronicle; Testimony; Memoir; Biography; Essay.
Poetry: Contemporary Poetry; Video Poetry; Performance Poetry; Spoken World; Expanded Poetry; Experimental Poetry.
Graphic Novel
Translation Studies and Practice


Submission of proposals:

Individual: Proposals should include a title, an abstract of 200-250 words, and a brief biography (100-150 words). Readings, papers, performances, or presentations may be in English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French. The organization will group individual proposals (limited to 20 minutes) in panels of four presenters.

Proposals must be sent through the conference website by August 15, 2024. 

Readings, papers, performances, or presentations will have a maximum duration of 20 minutes, and each panel will feature four presenters. Participants will receive a certificate of attendance and participation.

Panels: Proposals for panels containing four readings, papers, performances, or presentations on the same topic are also welcome. The conference will accept proposals in other languages for pre-organized panels. 


Last Updated: 09/23/2024 13:22