Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the best time to take journalism classes?
We suggest that you enroll in MCA 101 Introduction to Media during your sophomore year. That gives you a chance to get a broader view of media and journalism. You must take this required course before you get approval to enroll in Introduction to Journalism and the courses that follow in our sequence.
How many credits are required?
The journalism major is 42 credits including MCA 101 Introduction to Media Studies.
The journalism minor is 18 credits including MCA 101 Introduction to Media Studies.
Can I do an internship?
We encourage students to do at least one internship for academic credit or pay.
How can I declare a journalism major or minor?
You can declare a journalism major or minor through iDelcare
How to Use i-Declare
- Go to City Central
- Log in using your CCNY username and password. ...
- Click on "My CCNY" and pick "i-Declare".
- Click "No" to Are you a Macauley student"
- Click on the box next to Minor
- Click on the box next to Add/Change plan
- Choose College of Liberal Art (Division of Humanities and the Arts)
- Choose Major or Minor Journalism
Last Updated: 03/11/2025 19:16