Publications from the year 2011 -2015
Study of rotational dynamics of receptor-targeted contrast agents in cancerous and normal prostate tissues using time-resolved picosecond emission spectroscopy, Y. Pu, W. B. Wang, S. Achilefu, and R. R. Alfano, Applied Optics, 50(10), April 2011, 1312-1322.
Biomarkers Spectral Subspace for Cancer Detection, Yi Sun, Yang Pu, Yuanlong Yang, and R. R. Alfano J. Biomed. Opt., 17(10), 107005-1-9 (2012).
Higher-order Pancharatnam-Berry Phase and the Angular Momentum of Light, Giovanni Milione, S. Evans, D. A. Nolan, R. R. Alfano, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 190401 (2012)
Advances in ultrafast time resolved fluorescence physics for cancer detection in optical biopsy, R. R. Alfano, AIP Advances, 2, 011103-1/10 (2012).
Tunable supercontinuum light vector vortex beam generator using a q-plate, Yisa S. Rumala, Giovanni Milione, Thien An Nguyen, Sebastião Pratavieira, Zabir Hossain, Daniel Nolan, Sergei Slussarenko, Ebrahim Karimi, Lorenzo Marrucci, and Robert R. Alfano, Optics Letters, Vol. 38, No. 23, 5083-5086, (2013).
Two-photon excitation microscopy using the second singlet state of fluorescence agents within the “tissue optical window”, Yang Pu, Lingyan Shi, Sebastiao Pratavieira, and R. R. Alfano, Journal of Appl. Phys., 114, 153102 (2013).
Spatial frequency analysis for detecting early stage of cancer in human cervical tissues, Yang Pu, Jaidip Jagtap, Asima Pradhan, and R. R. Alfano Technol. Cancer Res. Treat. (TCRT) Vol. 13, 5, Oct. 2014, 421-425 (2014). Express, 1, e600270-1-5 (2013). DOI: 10.7785/tcrtexpress.2013.600270
Energy splitting of CdSe quantum dots induced by intense femtosecond laser excitation, Shengkun Zhang, Iosif Zeylikovich, Taposh Gayen, Robert Alfano, Maria Tamargo, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B31(3), 03C120-2, (2013).
Native fluorescence spectra of human cancerous and normal breast tissues analyzed with nonnegative constraint methods, Yang Pu, W. B. Wang, Yuanlong Yang, and R. R. Alfano, Appl. Opt., 52(6), 1293-1301 (2013).
Optical detection of meat spoilage using fluorescence spectroscopy with selective excitation wavelength, Yang Pu, Wubao Wang, and R. R. Alfano, Appl. Spectrosc., 67(2), 210–213 (2013).
Review of ultrafast fluorescence polarization spectroscopy, Yang Pu, Wubao Wang, Richard Dorshow, Bidyut Das, Robert Alfano, Appl. Opt., 52(5), 917-929 (2013).
A parallelism between spectral grading and Gleason grading of malignant prostate tissues, V. Masilamani, M.S. AlSalhi, S. Devanesan, M. Atif, D. Rabah, K. Farhat, Y. Pu, and R.R. Alfano, Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, (2013)
Stokes Shift Spectroscopic analysis of multi-fluorophores for human cancer detection in breast and prostate tissues, Yang Pu, W. B. Wang, Yuanlong Yang, and R. R. Alfano, J. Biomed. Opt., 18(1), 017005-1-8 (2013).
Key native fluorophores analysis of human breast cancer tissues using Gram-Schmidt subspace method, Yang Pu, Laura A. Sordillo, Yuanlong Yang, and R. R. Alfano, Opt. Lett., 39(14), 6787-6790 (2014).
The effects of fabrication temperature on current-voltage characteristics and energy efficiencies of quantum dot sensitized ZnOH-GO hybrid solar cells, S. M. Z. Islam, Taposh Gayen, Naing Tint, Lingyan Shi, Mykola Seredych, Teresa J. Bandosz, and Robert Alfano, J. Appl. Phys. 116, 173102 (2014);
Deep optical imaging of tissue using the second and third near-infrared spectral windows, Laura A. Sordillo, Yang Pu, Sebastiao Prativieira, Yury Budansky, Robert R. Alfano, Journal of Biomedical Optics 19(5), 056004 (May 2014).
All-digital wavefront sensing for structured light beams, Angela Dudley, Giovanni Milione, Robert R. Alfano, and Andrew Forbes, Optics Express, Vol. 22, Issue 11, pp. 14031-14040 (2014)
Hybrid solar cells of micro/meso-porous Zn(OH)2 and its graphite composites sensitized by CdSe quantum dots, SM Z. Islam, Taposh Gayen, Naing Tint, Lingyan Shi, Amani Mostofa, Mykola Seredych, Teresa J. Bandosz, Robert Alfano, Journal of Photonics for Energy, 4, 043098-1-9 (2014).
Optical Memory Effect from Polarized Laguerre-Gaussian Light Beam in Light-Scattering Turbid Media. Pavel Shumyatsky, Giovanni Milione, and Robert R Alfano, Optics Communications, 321, 116-123 (2014).
Using the nonseparability of vector beams to encode information for optical communication, Giovanni Milione, Thien An Nguyen, Jonathan Leach, Daniel A. Nolan, Robert R. Alfano, Optics Letters(4887-4890), Vol. 40, No 21, November 1, 2015.
In vivo studies of ultrafast nearinfrared laser tissue bonding and wound healing, Vidyasagar Sriramoju, Robert R. Alfano, Journal of Biomedical Optics 20(10), 108001 (October 2015).
Mode division multiplexing using an orbital angular momentum mode sorter and MIMO-DSP over a graded-index few-moe optical fibre, Hao Huang, Giovanni Milione, Martin Lavery, Guodong Xie, Yongxiong Ren, Yinwen, Cao, Nisar Ahmed, Tien An Nguyen, Daniel Nolan, Ming-Jun Li, Moshe Tur, Robert Alfano, Alan Willner, Scientific Reports, 5, 14931; doi:10.1038/srep 14931 (2015).
Determining principal modes in a multimode optical fiber using the mode dependent signal delay method, G. Milione, D. A. Nolan, and R. R. Alfano, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 32 143-149 (2015).
Diversity in photonics strengthens society, Holton, Conard; Alfano, Robert, Laser Focus World, Vol. 51, No.6, 104 *(JUN 2015).
4 × 20 Gbit/s mode division multiplexing over free space using vector modes and a q-plate mode (de)multiplexer, Giovanni Milione, Martin P. J. Lavery, Hao Huang, Yongxiong Ren, Guodong Xie, Thien An Nguyen, Ebrahim Karimi, Lorenzo Marrucci, Daniel A. Nolan, Robert R. Alfano, and Alan E. Willner, Optics Letters, Vol. 40, Issue 9, pp. 1980-1983 (2015), doi: 10.1364/OL.40.001980.
Measuring the self-healing of the spatially inhomogeneous states of polarization of vector Bessel beams, Giovanni MilioneAngela Dudley, Thien An Nguyen, Ougni Chakraborty, Ebrahim Karimi, Andrew Forbes, Robert R Alfano, J. Opt., 17 (2015) 035617 (7pp), doi:10.1088/2040-8978/17/3/035617.
Near-infrared supercontinuum laser beam source in the second and third near-infrared optical windows used to image more deeply through thick tissue as compared with images from lamp source, Laura Sordillo, Lukas Lindwasser, Yury Budansky, Philippe Leproux, Robert Alfano, Journal of Biomedical Optics 20(3), 030501-1-3 (March 2015), doi:10.1117/1.JBO.20.3.030501.
Optical quantitative pathology of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in human tissues using spatial frequency analysis, Yang Pu, Jaidip Jagtap, Asima Pradhan, R. R. Alfano, J. Biophotonics 8, No. 3, 233–238 (2015) / DOI 10.1002/jbio.201300184. published online January 2014.
Last Updated: 07/04/2020 10:35