How to get a Zoom account

  1. Login link: ccny.zoom.us
  2. Clik on Sign in: Configure your account
  3. Enter CcCNY Email Credentials*
    1. jdoe@ccny.cuny.edu or jdoe000@citymail.cuny.edu

*If you do not know your CCNY email credentials

  1. Link:reset.ccny.cuny.edu
  2. Select either Faculty/Staff or Student
  3. Select Option A

Setting up Zoom Profile
Once in Zoom, click on the Profile tab on the left hand side, from here you can make any updates and changes to your profile.

  1. Department, Job Title and Account Number are populated you will not be able to change, this information.
  2. The Personal Meeting ID - is the number users will need to join a meeting. We would suggest to change that to your CCNY work phone number ( i.e. 212-650-####)

How to schedule a meeting?

  1. Once logged in, you will start in the Profile tab. To Schedule a meeting click the Schedule a Meeting on the top right of the page.
  2. From the Schedule Meeting page, you are able to:
    1. Name the Meeting
    2. Add a description about the meeting
    3. Schedule the date and time
    4. Set the duration of the meeting, time zone, and an option to make the meeting a recurring meeting
    5. Video and Audio options for the Host and Participant(s)
    6. Meeting options>
    7. You may also invite a participant to be a Guest Host.
      1. *** Please note: if you use this option, it will give the guest host the same full control options and the Primary Host***
  3. Click Save

How to Share Files?

  1. Click on theSettings tab to modify your options
  2. Within the Settings page, click the In Meeting (Basic) option. Scroll down to the File Transfer option and toggle to turn on the feature. *** You may also click Only Allow Specified file types***

Enabling Breakout Room
Breakout room is a way you can split up students into groups for projects/ interactive learning within the Zoom Meeting

  1. In the Settings page,
  2. Click on the In Meeting (Advanced) option. Breakout Room is the first option under the Meeting (Advanced) section of the page. Toggle to turn on the feature. *** You may check the Allow host to assign participants to breakout room when scheduling, if you already have pre-picked groups of students to work with. You may set up the groups when creating/ scheduling the Meeting in the “Scheduling Meeting” page. ***Please Note: You cannot have Breakout Room and Remote Support enabled at the same time. ***

Accessing Recorded Meeting via Cloud

  1. Click the Recordings tab on the left-hand side
  2. Once in the Recordings page you will find a list of recorded meeting
    1. You have the option to Share the recorded meeting(s) by copying the link provided to you and also modify permission of who can view/ download the recorded meeting(s).
    2. If you click on the More option, you have the choice to either Download or Delete the recorded meeting.

Joining a Meeting

  1. Once you login to Zoom
  2. Click Join a Meeting on the top right
  3. Enter the Meeting ID, the meeting ID will be provided when the host sends you the invitation link from Zoom
  4. Click Join
  5. The Launch Application will open up double click on Zoom
  6. The application will open up
  7. The option of joining via Phone Call or Audio Computer will be available

a. Phone Call

  1. Dial one of the numbers provided, it will prompt you to enter the meeting ID and the participant ID. Click Done

b. Computer Audio

  1. Click join with Computer Audio, make sure your mic is on and the volume is up

Features available during a Zoom meeting

  1. Most of the functions for both the Host and Participant will be located at the bottom of the screen.
    1. The audio settings - Change from computer audio to an external microphone
    2. Webcam Settings- You may either enable or disable the camera settings
    3. Invite other participants- via email, copy the invitation information, or copy the URL.
    4. Manage Participants - You can view the number of Participants, ( as the Host) Mute/ Unmute the Participants, Chat, Make a Participant a Host, Allow the Participant to record, Rename the Participant, and Remove the Participant from the meeting
    5. Share Screen - Not only can the Host share their screen but can also enable the Participants to share content. This option does not limit the Host to only sharing their screen, but other content as well. Such as: Whiteboard, (the view of individual) Applications, and can project content from iPhone/iPad. You cannot share documents during your Share screen Session.
    6. Chat-The chat function allows the Host and Participants to chat with one another, or a 1:1 private Chat.
    7. Record - (Self Explanatory) The Host has the option to either save the recordings on their computer or save it to a cloud storage or access it from Zoom.
    8. Support - the Host can request from a participant to request desktop control, request application control, or request to restart the (participant’s) computer.
    9. Reactions - Positive encouragement. Either a thumbs up or a hand clap.
    10. End Meeting- to Exit or end the meeting.

Zoom FAQs: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/sections/200277708-Frequently-Asked-Questions

Last Updated: 06/04/2024 12:02