SANS Security Awareness Newsletters List

OUCH! is a free security awareness newsletter written for ordinary computer users. Published monthly, each edition is carefully researched and developed by a team of world renown information security experts, including SANS Securing The Human project. Each issue focuses on and explains a specific topic and actionable steps people can take to protect themselves, their family and their organization.

OUCH! is distributed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 license. You are encouraged to distribute OUCH! within your organization or share with anyone you like as long as it is not used for commercial purposes.

To Find the titles below and for more information, follow this link: OUCH!

Gaming Online Safely & Securely
Lessons from WannaCry
Securing Today’s Online Kids
Securely Using Mobile Apps
Staying Secure on the Road
Social Engineering
Securely Disposing of Your Mobile Device
Using The Cloud Securely
Four Steps to Staying Secure
Email Do's and Don'ts
CEO Fraud
Internet of Things
I'm Hacked, Now What
What Is Malware
Securing Your Home Network
Securing Your New Tablet
Shopping Online Securely
Password Managers
Two-Step Verification
Backup and Recovery
Social Media
Educating Kids on Cyber Safety
Securing the Cyber Generation Gap
Gaming Online Safely & Securely
Staying Secure on the Road
Securely Using Mobile Apps
What Is Anti-Virus?
Social Engineering
Five Steps to Staying Secure
Using the Cloud Securely
Email Do’s and Don’ts
I'm Hacked, Now What
Yes, You Actually Are A Target
The End of Windows XP
What Is Malware
Securing Your Home Network
Securing Your New Tablet
How to Shop Online Securely
Password Managers
Personal Backup and Recovery
Two-Step Verification
Spear Phishing
URL Shorteners/QR Codes
Protecting Your Kids Online
Social Networking Safely
Email Phishing Attacks
Seven Steps to a Secure Computer
Two-Factor Authentication
Losing Your Mobile Device
Hacked: Now What?
Counterfeit Websites
The Tech-Support Phone Call Scam
Using The Cloud Safely
Safely Disposing of Your Mobile Device
E-mail Dos and Don'ts
Securing Your Mobile Device Apps
Securing Your Home Wi-Fi Network



Last Updated: 10/27/2017 14:14