Presentation Instructions and Tutorials

The Academic Technology Services (ATS) resources listed below contain information, instructions, and video tutorials about using available technology in OIT/ATS supported teaching spaces and conference rooms collectively referred to as Smart Rooms.

General Information:

New Wireless Presentation options:
Two additional methods to wirelessly connect and present are available offering more flexibility and accessibility when utilizing the wireless presentation system without requiring the VIA app.

  1. Join Through Browser Connectivity:  Easily connect and present in a VIA-equipped room wirelessly using the Chrome browser on your Mac, Windows, or Chromebook computer.  No need to install the VIA app to use this feature. Click here for video tutorial.

  2. Apple AirPlay Connectivity:  Seamlessly connect and present in a VIA-equipped room wirelessly using the built-in AirPlay feature on your Mac, iPhone, or iPad.  No need to install the VIA app to use this feature. Click here for video tutorial.

Known Issues:

  1. 2024 Spring:  VIA Airplay connectivity is not working properly in some locations campus-wide and is being addressed by IT.
    • Solution:
      • Pending
  2. 2023 Fall: MacOS Sonoma (MacOS 14) is not able to share computer screen when using the VIA app to present wirelessly.  All other VIA services still work such as YouTube streaming.
    • Workaround Options: 
      • Option #1: Do not upgrade to Mac OS Sonoma
      • Option #2: Use Airplay feature
      • Option #3: Use Chrome browser to utilize 'Join through Browser' feature
      • Option #4: Use an HDMI cable to present
      • Option #5: Borrow a laptop or other device from the iMEDIA Reservation Desk that has MacOS Ventura
    • Solution:
      • Pending; Spring 2024 anticipated
  3. 2023 Fall: MacOS Sonoma (MacOS 14) is not able to access the in-room video cameral when attempting to utilize VIA Versa / Room Device with a conferencing platform such as Zoom or Teams.  The in-room microphone remains available and continues to work properly.
    • Workaround Options: 
      • Option #1: Do not upgrade to Mac OS Sonoma
      • Option #2: Use an alternate camera to connect to your computer:
        • For individual meetings try using your computer's built-in camera.
        • For small or larger meeting groups (2 - 12 people) borrow a Meeting Owl from the iMEDIA Reservation Desk, located in NAC 1204.
    • Solution:
      • Pending; Spring 2024 anticipated
  4. 2023 Fall: VIA Versa / Room Device microphone may exhibit audio performance issues while simultaneously presenting and utilizing the VIA Versa / Room Device in-room microphone.  VIA Versa / Room Device camera functionality remains unaffected and continues to operate properly except when using MacOS Sonoma (MacOS 14).
    • Workaround Options: 
      • Option #1: Use an alternate microphone if presenting simultaneously.
        • For individual meetings try using your computer's built-in microphone
        • For small meeting groups (2 - 4 people) borrow a USB boundary microphone from the iMEDIA Reservation Desk, located in NAC 1204.
        • For larger meeting groups (4 - 12 people) borrow a Meeting Owl from the iMEDIA Reservation Desk, located in NAC 1204.
    • Solution:
      • Pending; Spring 2025 anticipated


Get VIA for your Computer, Android Smartphone or Tablet…

  1. Visit a VIA-equipped CCNY location (teaching space or meeting room) and follow the directions shown on the room display.  
  2. Enter the ‘Room Name’ and “/” into your Internet Browser.
  3. Select Run VIA or Install VIA to download and launch the VIA app, then follow the instructions on your device.

Note: You must be on campus to complete the download and access the VIA application. Please visit the IMEDIA Reservation Desk located at NAC 1204 for a one-on-one tutorial if assistance is needed.



VIA Wireless Presentation Tips

  1. How to play YouTube video effectively
  2. How to control the volume using AV systems with flat panel non-touchscreen displays
    • Volume controllers on the computer or mobile device connected to the system can manage content volume levels.
      • If playing a YouTube video please use its video volume controller, or the computer's main volume controller to manage content volume levels.  
      • If using Zoom with VIA Versa please use the volume controller on the VIA app to manage content volume levels
  3. How to use VIA Versa / Room Device to connect to a room camera and microphone
  4. How to connect to VIA and present using a Chromebook.
    • Use Chrome browser to utilize 'Join through Browser' feature
      • NOTE: VIA app in Google Play Store is no longer supported.
  5. How to Extend the Display
  6. How to connect to VIA using Airplay

Classrooms or Lecture Halls

  1. How to wirelessly present with VIA...
  2. 2-in-1 Laptop / Tablets with annotating software
  3. General Information for Wireless Presentations
  4. Marshak Lecture Hall 1-4 Instructions
  5. Hyflex Teaching: Meeting Owl Pro Instructions
  6. VIA Multicast video tutorial at the Tech Center Active Learning Classrooms (ALC)

Touch Screen Computers - Using Windows Ink and Microsoft OneNote

  1. How to use OneNote - Converting Hand writing to Text
  2. How to use Hands-on with Microsoft's Windows Ink
  3. Find out Why OneNote Inking is better than analog paper
  4. How to Create Notebooks section in OneNote 2016 (clip time: 4:00-7:37)
  5. How to use Ink Functions section in OneNote 2016 (clip time: 9:09-10:45)
  6. 7 Tips to get more out of OneNote - Ink To Equation (clip time: 0-1:45)
  7. How to use Microsoft Edge Browser | Windows 10 (clip time: 3:46-7:40)
  8. How to annotate webpages - Windows 10 Inking Tutorial (clip time: 6:58-7:21)
  9. How to annotate webpages - Windows 10 Inking Tutorial (clip time: 9:04-10:12)

Epson Brightlink Interactive Whiteboards

  1. How to wirelessly save pages in whiteboard mode
  2. How to wirelessly e-mail whiteboard pages
  3. Find demo videos and tutorials
  4. Active Learning Classrooms (ALC)
  5. How to Multicast with VIA Connect
  6. Locations
    • Active Learning Center NAC 1/301
    • Flex Space NAC 1/301 - Instructions for Interactive Whiteboard Access
    • Steinman B-35B Classroom

Student study spaces such as the Tech Center Media Study Rooms or Writing Center Study Desks

  1. How to wirelessly present using a Mac or PC
  2. How to wirelessly present using a Smartphone or Tablet
  3. Active Learning Classrooms (ALC)
  4. How to Multicast with VIA Connect

Conference Rooms

  1. How to wirelessly present using a Mac or PC
  2. How to wirelessly present using a Smartphone or Tablet
  3. Active Learning Classrooms (ALC)

For audio-visual assistance contact the iMEDIA Reservation Desk via phone at
212-650-5480, via email at or visit us at NAC 1/204.

Last Updated: 12/12/2024 23:51