2022 Conference


NEW YORK, APRIL 20-22, 2022
2022 conference

How do human rights work in a world that is both territorialized in sovereign states and deterritorialized through global capitalism? CCNY’s Second Critical Perspectives on Human Rights Conference (CPHRC) seeks to interrogate the complex relationships that exist between political and economic power, on the one hand, and rights claims, on the other. In what ways are rights, as codified in international law, the product of postwar world order, and how are they challenged—or supported by—neoliberal economic norms, policies, and modes of governance? Do rights limit or undermine contemporary forms of domination, or do they perhaps legitimize them and even forestall alternative projects? In other words, can rights have a transformative impact in the age of neoliberalism? In what ways do rights discourse, law, and human rights practice reproduce or challenge social hierarchies of class, geography, and legal status, as well as ability, gender, race, and sexuality? The CPHRC welcomes papers that consider this theme within the following broad thematic areas:

  • Historical and Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights
  • Politics and Ethics of Human Rights Practice
  • Critical Theory and Human Rights
  • Media and Human Rights in the Digital Age
  • Changing Forms of Warfare and the Challenge to Human Rights
  • Basic Needs and Human Rights
  • Labor and Human Rights
  • Race and Human Rights
  • Women’s Rights as Human Rights
  • Health and Human Rights
  • Migration and Human Rights
  • The Environment and Human Rights
  • The Future(s) of Human Rights

Carlos Aguasaco (Chair, Department of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences)
Bruce Cronin (Professor, Political Science Department, and Program Director of Human Rights Studies)
Juan Carlos Mercado (Dean, Division of Interdisciplinary Studies)
Kathlene McDonald (Associate Professor, Division of Interdisciplinary Studies)
Renata Miller (Interim Dean, Division of Humanities and the Arts)
Dee Dee Mozeleski (Vice President of the Office of Institutional Advancement and and Communications)
Andrew Rich (Dean, Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership)
Susana Rosenbaum (Associate Professor, MA in the Study of the Americas Program Director)
Irina Carlota (Lotti) Silber (Professor and Chair, Department of Anthropology, Gender Studies and International Studies)
Justin Williams (Associate Professor, Division of Interdisciplinary Studies)
Martin Woessner (Associate Professor, Division of Interdisciplinary Studies)
Danielle A. Zach (Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Interdisciplinary Studies)

Last Updated: 01/03/2025 16:50