The eligibility requirements for trainees are:
(1) U.S. citizen and permanent resident (green card holder)
(2) registered Ph.D. student in good academic standing at the CUNY Graduate Center (GC) or CCNY Grove School of Engineering (GSOE) or CCNY Clinical Psychology Program
(3) Ph.D. mentor and lab located on the CCNY campus
(4) dissertation project in the biomedical sciences, which can be pursued in Ph.D. programs including Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, and Engineering
(5) early training stage at the start of the G-RISE appointment, typically Year 2 for GC-registered bench science students and sometimes Year 1 GSOE students. Consult us for consideration of non-standard situations.
The CCNY G-RISE program strongly encourages recruitment of trainees from groups that are underrepresented in STEM disciplines based on one or more of the following attributes:
(1) race and ethnicity (African American, Hispanic, American Indian, Alaska or Hawaii Native, other Pacific Islanders)
(2) economic and/or educational disadvantage
(3) disability status validated by the university
(4) women in Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, or Biophysics
Please visit
for more information on these targeted recruitment attributes, which are distinct from the eligibility requirements stated above.
Last Updated: 11/26/2024 13:17