Courses Descriptions

BFA Film and Video Courses  

First appears a list of courses, then the course descriptions follow afterwards.


Course List

NO.       COURSE TITLE (cr./hr.)

Pre-Requisite Courses
10100    Introduction to Media Studies (3/3)    
10500    Introduction to Media Production (3/3)            
12100   Introduction to Film Studies (3/4)    

Required Courses      
20000    Introduction to Film Production (3/3)        
20500    Editing (3/3)        
21500    Sound Production & Design (3/3)        
22100    History & Theory of Film I (3/4)            
22200    History & Theory of Film II (3/4)                    
23200    Documentary Workshop I (4/4)        
30100    Critical Approaches to Indep. Cinema (3/4)    
32100    Motion Picture Production Workshop I (4/4)        
32300    Screenwriting Workshop I (3/3)    
32500    Directing for Film & Video (3/3)    
42400    Senior Writing Workshop (3/3)    
42600    Digital Post Production (3/3)                        
42200    Motion Picture Production Workshop II (4/4)                 
43200    Documentary Workshop II (4/4)        

One of the following four:                    
40200    Critical Approaches to Film Directors (3/4)        
40300    The Documentary in Film & Television (3/4)        
40400    Studies in Film History & Aesthetics (3/4)    
29900-39900 Internship (3)  


Course Descriptions.

Note: MCA 10100, MCA 10500 and MCA 12100 (total 9 cr.) are prerequisites to all B.F.A courses. The College of Liberal Arts and Science | 93

10100: Introduction to Media Studies (*This course info not from Bulletin*).

The first of two MCA introductory courses. This survey course aims to acquaint students with the various mass media and support industries. In the first half of the semester, students look at newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, film, advertising, and public relations from an historic, technological, economic, and social perspective. In the second half of the semester, they focus on more general issues, such as who owns the media, the media's effect on audience, and laws governing the media. Required of all MCA majors; open to other students as an elective.


MCA 10500: Introduction to Media Production This course introduces the fundamental elements of video production and is the "gateway" into the B.F.A. program. Projects produced in this course are used to evaluate a student’s candidacy into the program. Using digital video cameras, students learn basic organizational, writing, camera, and editing skills through short group and individual exercises and projects. Visual storytelling and narrative structure in fictional and non-fictional forms are emphasized. Prereq.: ENGL 11000 or FIQWS. 3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.


MCA 12100: Introduction to Film Studies This course examines the artistic and social power of film as a medium of audiovisual communication. The course emphasizes the analysis of narrative feature films, but also examines non-fiction and experimental forms. The course offers a systematic view of how cinema tells stories, organizes information, patterns, light and sound, and creates unique aesthetic and social experiences. Aspects treated by the course include sound, editing, cinematography, film style, narrative and non-narrative forms, the organization of film production, and the relations of film to broader artistic, social, and historical contexts. Attention is given to the ways film is now related to television, video, and new computer technologies. Prereq.: ENGL 11000 or FIQWS. 4 hr./wk.; 3 cr.


MCA 20000: Introduction to Film Production This course introduces the student to the fundamentals of film production and builds on previously learned production skills in MCA 10500. Students learn how to use a 16mm film camera, the light meter and gain practical experience with B&W film stock and exposure control. Coreq.: MCA 20500. 3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.


MCA 20500: Editing This course examines the theoretical aspects and the practical techniques of editing picture and sound. Narrative structure, storytelling strategies, and problem solving are explored. Using "Final Cut Pro" software, students will learn basic computer editing, media management, and organizational skills needed in post-production. Coreq.: MCA 20000. 3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.


MCA 21500: Sound Production & Design This course introduces the technology, equipment and skills necessary for the acquisition of sound in film and video productions. In addition, the course will explore the theory and role of sound design in both fiction and non-fiction productions. Particular attention will be given to sound production and design as it relates to the films and videos that the student will make in the program. Prereq.: MCA 20000, MCA 205000; coreq.: MCA 23200. 3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.


MCA 22100: History and Theory of Film I A chronological survey of the history and theory of cinema from its origins to World War II. Topics include the work of major directors, aesthetic theories, movements, technical innovations, methods of production and distribution, the influences on cinema from the other arts and contemporary ideologies. Prereq.: MCA 12100, ENGL 21000 or MCA 20200. 4 hr./wk.; 3 cr.


MCA 22200: History and Theory of Film II A chronological survey of the history and theory of cinema from World War II to present. Topics include the work of major directors, aesthetic theories, movements, technical innovations, methods of production and distribution, the influences on cinema from the other arts and contemporary ideologies. Prereq.: MCA 12100, MCA 22100. 4 hr./wk.; 3 cr.


MCA 23200: Documentary Workshop I This course is an introduction to documentary filmmaking and covers the various stages of non-fiction storytelling including research, script development/treatment, pre-production planning, production and post-production editing. The course will also examine work that falls outside of the traditional documentary form, including work that incorporates significant non-fictional components. Students develop, shoot and edit short documentary exercises and learn basic interview techniques, lighting, and sound recording techniques. Prereq.: MCA 10500, MCA 12100, 20000, MCA 20500; coreq.: MCA 21500. 4 hr./wk.; 4 cr.



MCA 30100: Critical Approaches to Independent Documentary This course covers the history theory and practice of the independent documentary, particularly as it has evolved since the digital revolution. The course investigates how the work of documentary media makers are contributing to a redefinition of a world culture that incorporates a broader spectrum of voices and experiences. Focus is also given to documentary pioneers and the antecedents of filmed documentary including the paintings of Brueghel, the observational writing of Mayhew and the editorial photography of Riis. Prereq.: MCA 22200, MCA 23200,

MCA 32300, MCA 32100. Coreq.: MCA 32500, MCA 42400, MCA 43200. 4 hr./wk.; 3 cr.


MCA 32100: Motion Picture Production Workshop I Building on the student’s basic knowledge of film, exposure, cameras, and cinematic language, this production course emphasizes visual storytelling and control of the motion picture frame. Visual strategies, technical, and aesthetic application of lighting in support of the narrative are emphasized. In addition, basic organizational elements needed in pre-production for students to produce, direct, and shoot their films are developed. Prereq.: MCA 20000, MCA 20500, MCA 21500; Coreq.: MCA 23200, MCA 32300. 3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.


MCA 32300: Screenwriting Workshop This course examines the fundamental principles and forms of narrative storytelling and their expression through the screenplay format. Emphasis is placed on the elements that create drama and conflict, and particular attention will be given to visual storytelling. The course will also examine the similarities and differences between the short and long narrative forms and compare various storytelling models and strategies. Extensive outside writing assignments and rewrites are required for this course. Prereq.: MCA 23200, MCA 32100 and MCA 32300; Coreq.: MCA 32500., MCA 43200. 3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.


MCA 32500: Directing for Film and Video This course explores the aesthetics, basic principles and skills needed to direct film and video productions. Through various exercises and analysis, students learn how to work with actors and the use of different techniques and strategies to elicit performances. Pre-production responsibilities, scene analysis, blocking, and shot breakdowns are also covered. Prereq.: MCA 20000, MCA 20500, MCA 21500, MCA 23200; coreq.: MCA 32100, MCA 42400. 3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.



MCA 40200: Critical Approaches to Film Directors Studies of major filmmakers from American & world cinema such as Griffith, Eisenstein, Ford, Kurosawa, Buñuel, Fellini, Altman, Sembene, and Varda. Emphasis is given to detailed analysis of films within their cultural, historical, and industrial contexts. Prereq.: MCA 22100, MCA 22200, MCA 30100 or permission of instructor. 4 hr./wk.; 3 cr.



MCA 40300: The Documentary in Film & Television An investigation of the theory and practice of documentary in its diverse forms as film, television, video, and digital media. Screenings of historically important works are analyzed in light of different theories about documentary practice. Prereq.: MCA 22100, MCA 22200, MCA 30100 or permission of instructor. 4 hr./wk.; 3 cr.




MCA 40400: Studies in Film History and Aesthetics Studies of specialized topics in film history and aesthetics. Topics change from year to year. Previous topics have included Film Noir, Women & Film, New Asian Cinemas, and Cinemas of the African Diaspora. Prereq.: MCA 22100, MCA 22000, MCA 30100 or permission of instructor. 4 hr./wk.; 3 cr.


MCA 42200: Motion Picture Production Workshop II This course is one of the two production courses that students may choose to shoot their thesis project in. Building on all previous production courses in the program, it is a course for students who wish to further their mastery of filmmaking in 16mm film or digital video. Students will refine and apply their knowledge of visual storytelling, pre-production, lighting, and sync-sound production through class exercises and group projects. Projects produced in this course are edited in MCA 32600. Prereq.: MCA 30100 MCA 32500, MCA 42400, MCA 43200; coreq.: MCA 29900, MCA 39900, MCA 40300, MCA 40400, MCA 42600. 4 hr./wk.; 4 cr.



MCA 42400: Senior Writing Workshop Building on the knowledge and skills learned in Screenwriting I and Documentary Workshop I, students refine their writing skills in fiction and documentary. This course offers the opportunity for students to write a screenplay or a documentary proposal that will qualify as a thesis writing project. Extensive outside writing assignments and rewrites are required for this course. Prereq.: MCA 23200 and MCA 32300; coreq.: MCA 32100. 3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.



MCA 42600: Digital Post Production This course covers advanced topics in digital editing, motion graphics, filters and sound design using Final Cut Pro editing software. In addition to class exercises, students edit material produced in their MCA 42200 or 43200 courses. Prereq.: MCA 32100, MCA 32500 MCA 43200; pre or coreq.: MCA 42200 or MCA 42200 or MCA 40200 MCA 40400, or MCA 29900 3 hr./wk.; 3 cr.



MCA 43200: Documentary Workshop II This course is one of the two production courses that students may choose to shoot their thesis project in. Building on all previous production courses in the program, it is a course for students who wish to further their mastery of documentary filmmaking and the non-fiction form. Students develop, shoot, and edit documentaries that are more in-depth and complex, and explore 94 | The College of Liberal Arts and Science alternative aesthetic approaches to non-fiction storytelling. Projects produced in this course are edited in MCA 42600. Prereq.:MCA 22200, MCA 23200, MCA 32100, MCA 32300, MCA 42600 ; coreq..MCA 30100, MCA 32500, MCA 42400 3hr./wk.; 3cr.


Please also refer to the CCNY Bulletin for additional information about the department and the FIlma dn Video Program.



Last Updated: 01/23/2023 00:06