Kiara Victoria Severino

Kiara Victoria Severino
Kiara Victoria Severino
History & Latin American Studies Major
Mellon Mays Fellow %6e%79.%65du" rel="nofollow">

Kiara Victoria Severino was born and raised in Harlem. She is an Afro-Dominican in the BA/MA program at City College, double majoring in Latin American Studies/History, with a concertation in Mestizaje, Race and Racial Mixing: from the Perspective of the Enslaved/freed African Woman. Her goal is to correlate how racial mixing impacted the lives of African enslaved as well as freed women and their children. Kiara also plans to investigate how Latin America became passive-aggressively racist against the African Diaspora and if mestizaje had anything to do with it. Kiara has a non-profit that provides aid to children in marginalized communities in third-world Latin America. After completing her MA, she plans to pursue a PhD in Latin American Colonial History. Her goal is to become a professor in Latin American Studies. She also wants to open an orphanage in the Dominican Republic with a school adjacent to it in ten years. Like Dr. Mays, she wants to educate the masses in a sustainable learning environment for children in underprivileged neighborhoods, giving children unlimited access to education at the orphanage.



Last Updated: 08/27/2023 01:27