Undergraduate Opportunities

MSED in Educational Theatre

The Accelerated Master’s Degree in Educational Theatre will enable highly qualified and talented undergraduates interested in Educational Theatre to bridge the BA in Theatre degree with the MSED in Educational Theatre.  This is a master’s only non-certification degree and will appeal to those who are interested in Teaching Artistry and Arts Administration with a focus on education.

The bachelor’s degree is a program that focuses on theatre content with a focus in one of the following sub-disciplines: Acting, Design, Directing, Musical Theatre, or Playwrighting and Theatre History. The master’s degree is a 36 credit non-certification program, enabling undergraduates the opportunity to learn about theatre in the context of Arts Integration, Theatre for Youth and Young Audiences and Applied Theatre both in school settings and non-traditional settings.

The Theatre Department at City College and the Graduate Program in Educational Theatre overlap in shared values in Theatre Education, making it a strong partnership for the Accelerated Master’s Program. Graduates of this accelerated master’s degree will have a greater understanding of the field of Educational Theatre, Teaching Artistry, and Arts Administration as a career in a school setting or a non-traditional setting.  They will also be qualified for employment in the context of theatre education earlier in their university experience.


  • Undergraduate students accepted into the Accelerated Master’s Degree in Educational Theatre will be able to apply up to 12 credits of graduate coursework completed within the BA degree in Theatre to the MSED degree in Educational Theatre.
  • Maximum number of credits that may be applied to both the bachelor’s and master’s degree is 12 credits.
  • Example of courses that could be applied to both degrees

Admissions Process

To be admitted in the program, applicants must:

  • Have completed at least of 60 undergraduate credits
  • Have an overall GPA of at least 3.0
  • Submit official GRE scores
  • Attend Interview
  • Write in person essay
  • Approval of Theatre Department Admissions Committee
  • Approval of Educational Theatre Program Admissions Committee

Academic Requirements to Remain in Good Standing

Students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 in both their undergraduate or graduate courses. Those who fall below a 3.0 will be given two semesters to rectify the situation. Students who are unable to do so will be dismissed from the program.

Program Administration & Personnel Who Will Oversee the Program

The Director of the Graduate Program in Educational Theatre will oversee the Accelerated MSED Program.  

Program Contact Information

Sobha Kavanakudiyil, Director Graduate Program in Educational Theatre, School of Education
E-mail: skavanakudiyil@ccny.cuny.edu
Telephone: 212.650.7681

MSED in Educational Theatre and Initial Certification in Theatre

The Accelerated Master’s Degree in Educational Theatre with certification will enable highly qualified undergraduates in the City College of New York Theatre Department interested in Educational Theatre to bridge the BA in Theatre with the MSED in Educational Theatre.  This is a master’s degree with New York State certification and will appeal to those who are interested in working as a licensed Theatre Teacher in New York State.  

The City College Theatre Department Bachelor’s Degree in Theatre is a program that focuses on theatre content with a recommended focus in one of the following sub-disciplines: Acting, Design, Directing, Musical Theatre, or Playwrighting and Theatre History; majoring in theatre and having experienced theatre content is a crucial part of becoming a certified theatre teacher.

The Master’s Degree in Educational Theatre with certification is a 46-credit certification program allowing undergraduates the opportunity to learn about theatre in the context of Arts Integration and Theatre Production for an in-school setting.  This accelerated master’s degree is designed to create a pathway to certification, which will allow candidates to complete the Master’s Degree in Educational Theatre and complete requirements for New York State Certification in Theatre by beginning the program earlier, allowing candidates the opportunity for employment earlier in their career.

The Theatre Department and the Graduate Program in Educational Theatre overlap in shared values in Theatre Education, making it a strong partnership for the Accelerated Master’s Program.  Graduates of this accelerated master’s degree will have a deeper understanding of teaching theatre in school, start focusing on the teaching theatre earlier on in their college experiences and be prepared earlier to teach theatre in an in-school setting.


  • Undergraduate students accepted into the Accelerated Master’s Degree in Educational Theatre with NYS Theatre Certification will be able to apply up to 18 credits of graduate coursework completed within the BA degree in Theatre to the MSED degree in Educational Theatre.
  • Maximum number of credits that may be applied to both the bachelor’s and master’s degree is 18 credits.
  • Examples of courses that could be applied to both degrees

Admissions Process

To be admitted in the program, applicants must:

  • Have completed at least of 60 undergraduate credits
  • Have an overall GPA of at least 3.0
  • Submit official GRE scores
  • Attend Interview
  • Write in person essay
  • Approval of Theatre Department Admissions Committee
  • Approval of Educational Theatre Program Admissions Committee

Academic Requirements to Remain in Good Standing

Students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 in both their undergraduate or graduate courses. Those who fall below a 3.0 will be given two semesters to rectify the situation. Students who are unable to do so will be dismissed from the program.

Program Administration & Personnel Who Will Oversee the Program

The Director of the Graduate Program in Educational Theatre will oversee the Accelerated MSED Program

Minor in Educational Theatre - Coming Soon

You are eligible to consider the Educational Theatre Minor as an option, either with certification or without, if you have completed the following:

  • 75 undergraduate credits
  • Declared theatre major
  • Prior to taking any Educational Theatre classes:
    • THEA 21300 Theatre History
    • THEA 23300 Directing I
    • THEA 13400 Theatre Production and Design or THEA 13100 Introduction to Theatre Arts
    • THEA 13600 Acting I 

18 undergraduate theatre major credits must be completed and candidate must have earned a B or better in Theatre before taking Educational Theatre classes.

Once these steps have been completed:  

1) Please contact and schedule a meeting to discuss the minor with either the Educational Theatre Program  at  educationaltheatre@ccny.cuny.edu or a program advisor in the School of Education Office of Admissions & Student Services (OASS) in North Academic Center, Room 3/223A. This is the school's central service center, supporting graduate and undergraduate candidates.

2) Completed the declaration of the major in theater with a plan for teaching theatre in schools.

3) Register for an introductory Education course i.e., EDUC 22100, EDUC 20500, or SPED 32000

4) Maintain an overall GPA of 2.8 and a 3.0 GPA in the major

5) Completed the School of Education Application: Link to SoE Application: https://forms.office.com/r/naGg77tVJC.

If you have any questions at all you can reach out to the Educational Theatre Program at educationaltheatre@ccny.cuny.edu                              .  

Program Contact Information

Sobha Kavanakudiyil, Director Graduate Program in Educational Theatre, School of Education
E-mail: skavanakudiyil@ccny.cuny.edu
Telephone: 212.650.7681

Last Updated: 10/15/2024 15:31