Course Descriptions

Courses during the fall and spring semester meet from 4:50-7:20pm and from 7:30-10:00pm.
Please note: Not all courses are offered at both sessions.

EDCE 1800K:  Family, Child and School – 3 credits
A study of the contexts for learning that affect teachers, children, and their families. Topics explored include:  Multicultural communities and differing family structures, conferencing with parents, children with special needs, indications of child abuse, educators' legal and ethical responsibilities.  Required for initial certification.  Includes 10-15 hours of field experiences.       

EDCE 1900C:  Language and Literacy Development in Early Childhood – 3 credits
How language and literacy develops in young children and how to develop a well-balanced literacy program for young children.  Special emphasis is placed on learning English as a second language, analyzing children's literature, the art of storytelling, and effective strategies for learning to read.  Required for initial certification.  Includes 10-15 hours of field experiences.

EDCE 1900G:  Professional Education Seminar - 0 credit
Education in child and drug abuse, fire and safety, and violence prevention as required by New York State.  Provides orientation to job-related procedures for New York City schools (fingerprinting, resume, interview, and application preparation).  Prepares students for the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations.  Required for initial certification.  

EDCE 2000C:  First and Second Language and Literacy Acquisition – 3 credits
Current research and applications building on language strengths and connection oral and print literacies. 

EDCE 2100K:  Developmental Issues in Early Childhood Education – 3 credits 
In-depth study of the developmental progression and the active nature of young children's learning.  Major developmental and learning theories are critically examined and illuminated through students' experiences with children.  Implications for program planning and classroom organization are continually drawn.  Required for both initial and professional certification. 

EDCE 2101C: Social Studies in the Early Childhood Curriculum – 3 credits
How to develop and carry out experiences that help children inquire about the world, their history, and their backgrounds and integrate their understandings; how to utilize students' diverse ethno-cultural backgrounds as learning resources.  Emphasis placed on the classroom as a democratic learning community. Includes 10-15 of field experiences. Required for initial certification.

EDCE 2202I:  Content Research Seminar in Early Childhood Education - 2 credits
Culminating experience of the graduate education program.  Students identify a problem or issue about which to inquire, review the research literature related to that problem, and design a study to carry out in the following semester.  Required.  Offered only in the fall.  By permission only.  Prerequisites:  Child development courses, 0100C, 0300F, most methods courses.

EDCE 2300C:  Social Studies Inquiry for Pre-K-6 Teachers - 3 credits
Focuses on two state and national social studies learning standards:  geography and the history of the United States and New York State.  Students experience n inquiry approach to social studies that is designed to increase their content knowledge and model inquiry methods.  Students plan learning experiences for children.  Includes an instructional technology component.  Required for professional certification.  Pre-requisite:  2101C. 

EDCE 2700C:  Literacy Instruction for Struggling Readers and Writers in Inclusive/Mainstream Classrooms – 3 credits
Learn to assess and intervene to lay the foundations for effective instruction for struggling readers and writers.

EDCE 2900I:  Seminar in Educational Research – 2 credits
Second semester of the research sequence.  Students carry out their study designed in the previous semester and learn how to analyze, write about, and present the data collected.  Prerequisite:  Content Research Seminar 2202I.  Offered only in the spring.  Required.     

EDCE 3200C:  Science Inquiry for Pre-K-6 Teachers - 3 credits
Develops teachers' knowledge of the teaching and learning of science in childhood education.  Focuses on three New York State science standards:  scientific inquiry, application of scientific concepts and theories, and the historical development of ideas in science and common themes that connect mathematics, science, and technology.  First-hand experiences developing and analyzing knowledge obtained through inquiry.  Pre-requisite:  3300C.  Required for professional certification.

EDCE 3300C:  How Young Children Learn Science:  Implications for Teaching - 3 credits
Workshop designed to deepen understanding of the active, investigative nature of science learning.  Participants' own explorations and experiences parallel the child's inquiring approach.  Materials and resources appropriate for the diverse learning needs of young children are examined. Includes 10-15 hours of field experiences.  Required for initial certification.  

EDCE 3500C: Education in the Early Years:  Infants, Toddlers, and "Preschoolers"– 3 credits
How knowledge develops from infancy through the preschool years; with a focus on how to support learners' growth and development and how to structure appropriate learning environments for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with diverse needs.  Theoretical perspectives on learning are explored.  Includes 10-15 hours of field experiences.  Required for initial certification.  Prerequisites:  2100K.

EDCE 4200C: Educating Young Children with Special Needs
This course provides early childhood educators with a theoretical framework and   practical applications for developing curriculum to support children with special needs.  Information, guidance and resources will be presented to assist teachers in developing and differentiating curriculum, using adaptive technology, assessing students holistically, working with their classroom/administrative team as well as with children’s home/family/community in situations where a child may require an evaluation and/or additional support services. Special attention will be paid to issues of diversity, helping teachers to frame differences in a respectful, non-biased way.

EDCE 4300C:  Art and Expressive Activities in Early Childhood Education - 3 credits 
Interpretation and use of creative activities for the young child as s/he explores and develops personal skills and interests in various art media.  Includes 10-15 hours of field experiences.  Required for initial certification. 

SPED 4600A:  Foundations in Early Childhood Special Education - 3 credits (offered in summer)
This course provides an introduction to the foundations of early intervention and early childhood special education, including developmental, educational, family systems, and health perspectives and theories. Specific attention is paid to the process of early intervention and early childhood special education within the least restrictive environment, as delineated in state and federal legislation. (Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork)

SPED 4700K:  Early Intervention for Infants and Toddlers with Special Needs - 3 credits (offered in fall)
This course provides knowledge and skills to meet the needs of infants, toddlers, and young children who demonstrate mild to profound disabilities.  Includes how to use developmentally-appropriate/culturally-responsive practices to work with health care professionals, health and safety, emergency care, management of chronic health impairments, and management of neuro-developmental and motor disabilities. (Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork)    

SPED 4800K:  Managing the Environment to Support Learning for Young Children with Diverse Needs - 3 credits (offered in spring)
This course explores how to manage the environment to support learning and development for young children with diverse needs.  Participants will learn how to identify and support behavior challenges in a variety of early learning environments:  individual, small group, and large group settings; home, center-based, and integrated classrooms. (Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork)

SPED 4900K:  Assessment of Young Children with Special Needs - 3 credits (offered in summer)
This course explores the role of assessment in understanding young children’s learning and development. It conceptualizes assessment as an ongoing, collaborative process of gathering and interpreting evidence about children’s behaviors and the social/physical environment to make decisions regarding services and supports for young children with disabilities or developmental delays.  (Includes 10-15 hours of fieldwork)    

EDCE 5700C:  Education That Is Multicultural - 3 credits
Analyzes the various components of education in a pluralistic society; provides opportunities for developing curriculum and strategies which reflect respect and dignity for all people; examines students' needs within a  humanistic framework; critically examines instructional materials for bias.  Includes 10 hours of fieldwork.  Optional choice from 1800K for initial certification. 

EDCE 6000C:  How Young Children Learn Mathematics:  Implications for Teaching - 3 credits
Development of young children's spatial, numerical, and logical reasoning as the basis for instructional decision-making in mathematics teaching.  Teaching materials, developmentally-appropriate investigations, and pedagogical techniques that facilitate children's different way of constructing ideas, strategies, and models in mathematics will be explored.   Includes 10-15 hours of field experiences. Required for initial certification

EDCE 6200C:  Mathematics for Pre-K-6 Teachers - 3 credits
Includes mathematics content and pedagogy; focuses on selected topics in number, geometry, algebra and probability for grades 3-5 and 6-8; attention to the NCTM content and process standards and New York State Learning Standards; analysis of students' work; and analysis, design and assessment of mathematics curriculum.  Pre-requisite:  6000C. Required for professional certification.

EDCE 7100A:  Urban Schools in a Diverse Society - 3 credits
Selected significant social, political and economic forces which influence the school as an institution and which in turn are influenced by the school, especially in urban settings that educate students from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds.  Includes history and philosophy of education. 10-15 hours of field experiences required.  Required for initial certification.

EDCE 7150C:  Fundamentals of Teaching in Early Childhood Contexts – 3 credits
How to examine children’s behaviors, work, and approaches to learning to inform the development of environments responsive to students’ diverse needs.  Major developmental and learning theories are referenced.  Case study of an individual child will be completed.  Includes 10-15 hours of field experiences.  Required for initial certification.   

EDCE 7250C: Curriculum in ECE – 3 credits
Critical examination of principles underlying curriculum development and program planning for young children.   How to prepare the environment, integrate the day, differentiate instruction for students with varying needs, discipline effectively, and use technology.  Includes 10-15 hours of field experiences. Required for initial and professional certification. 

EDCE 7300C:  Music and Movement for Young Children – 3 credits
Participants in this course learn how to create a program of activities that guide and incorporate young children's interests and responses to music, rhythms, dramatic play, and spontaneous imaginative experiences.  Includes 10-15 hours of field experiences. Required for initial certification.  

EDCE 7300F:  Contemporary Problems and Issues in Early Childhood Education – 3 credits
Identification and study of classroom and school problems and issues educators encounter in their teaching.  Serves as an introduction to action research and as preparation for the research sequence of courses at the final stage of the program. Required for professional certification.  Prerequisites:  a minimum of 18 credits or special permission.   

EDCE 7301G:  Student Teaching and Seminar in Early Childhood Education I – 3 credits
Full time supervised student teaching for 20 – 50 days in one developmental level of early childhood (as part of 70 days total in student/supervised teaching).  Accompanying weekly seminar integrates the teaching experience with course work.  Required for those in the initial certification program.  Advance approval necessary.  To be completed at the end of the program sequence. Corequisite:  EDUC 1900G.       

EDCE 7302G:  Student Teaching and Seminar in Early Childhood Education II – 3 credits
Full time supervised student teaching for 20 – 50 days in a second developmental level of early childhood (as part of 70 days total in student/supervised teaching).  Accompanying weekly seminar integrates the teaching experience with course work.  Required for those in the initial certification program.  Advance approval necessary.  To be completed at the end of the program sequence. Corequisite:  EDUC 1900G   

EDCE 7303G:  Supervised Teaching and Seminar in Early Childhood Education - 3 credits
Full time supervised supervised teaching may be substituted for either 0301G or 0302G for those who teach full time in their own classroom. Required for those in the initial certification program.  Advance approval necessary.  To be completed at the end of the program sequence. Corequisite:  EDUC 1900G.      

EDCE 7306G - Supervised Practicum and Seminar in Early Childhood Special Education - 3 credits (offered in spring)
Supervised Teaching is an opportunity to further develop the essential skills, dispositions, and self-reflection necessary to be an effective and successful early childhood special education educator.  Weekly seminar discussions will offer the opportunity to integrate theory learned in coursework with experiences teaching in the field.  Candidates have the opportunity to choose a concentration in Early Intervention service (Birth -3), Special Education Itinerant Teacher service preschool age (3-5) or school age early childhood (K-2).  (15 hours of class, including 20 days of practicum)   

EDCE 7500C:  Literacy Acquisition – from Emergent Reading to Fluency - 3 credits
How to support successful literacy learning for students of diverse backgrounds.  Participants learn the stages of literacy acquisition and how to assess students’ progress along the literacy learning continuum, provide instruction to meet each student’s developmental stage and needs, organize all the elements of a balanced literacy program.  Includes 10-15 hours of field experiences. 

EDCE 7501C (formerly 0600C):  Literacy Strategies from Birth to 6th Grade – 3 credits
Applications of a balanced literacy program as it applies to fluent readers.  In-depth examination of balanced literacy programs, literacy assessment, reading and writing genres, how to integrate literacy with content area instruction, and how to select appropriate material for learners of diverse abilities and backgrounds.  Includes 10-15 hours of field experiences. 

EDCE 9602G:  Leadership in Early Childhood Education – 3 credits
Leadership responsibilities in such areas as program making, professional development, pupil/personnel, and program/department management.  Cases and problems examined in laboratory settings.  Elective.  Special permission required.


Last Updated: 05/07/2024 16:05