Early Courses
2100K Developmental Issues in Early Childhood Education* (3 credits)
1900C Language and Literacy Development in Early Childhood* (3 credits)
3500C Education in the Early Years: Infants, Toddlers and Preschools* (3 credits) - offered in spring only
7150C Foundations of Teaching in Early Childhood Contexts* (3 credits) - offered in fall only
Middle Courses
7500C Literacy Acquisition - Emergent to Fluent* (3 credits) or other methods
6000C How Young Children Learn Math* (3 credits) or other methods - offered in fall only
4300C Art and Expressive Activities in Early Childhood Education* (3 credits) - offered in spring only
7300C Music and Movement for Young Children* (3 credits) - offered in fall only
2101C Social Studies in the Early Childhood Curriculum* (3 credits) - offered in fall only
3300C How Young Children Learn Science or other methods* (3 credits) - offered in spring only
4200C Teaching Young Children with Special Needs* (3 credits)
1800K Family/Child/School* (3 credits) - offered in spring only
7100A Urban Schools in a Diverse Society* (3 credits)
7300F Problems and Issues in Early Childhood Education* - offered in spring only
End Courses
7250C Curriculum in ECE* (3 credits) - offered in spring only
7301G and 7302G or 7303G - Student Teaching/Supervised Teaching plus Seminar (6 credits total)
1900G Professional Education Seminar (0 credits)
2202I Content Research Seminar 1 in Early Childhood Education (2 credits)
2900I Content Research Seminar 2 in Early Childhood Education (2 credits)
* Indicates 10 hours of field work.
Last Updated: 06/29/2022 12:44