Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas
Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas is the major U.S. forum for contemporary
Latin American and Caribbean writing in English and English translation; it also covers
Canadian writing and visual and performing arts in the Americas. Founded in 1968 by
the Center for Inter-American Relations (later known as the Americas Society),
Review is now published by Routledge in association with The City College of New
York, CUNY, through its Department of Classical and Modern Languages and
Literatures. Daniel Shapiro serves as the journal's Editor.
Review regularly features critical articles, fiction, poetry, essays, book reviews, and arts
profiles. It has showcased work by/about Isabel Allende, Jorge Amado, Jorge Luis
Borges, Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Alejo Carpentier, Julio Cortázar, Carlos Fuentes,
Gabriel García Márquez, Clarice Lispector, Elena Poniatowska, Manuel Puig, Luis
Rafael Sánchez, Mario Vargas Llosa, Derek Walcott, and many other writers as well as
critics, translators, and visual and performing artists. Translators who have published
their work in Review include the late Gregory Rabassa, Edith Grossman, Suzanne Jill
Levine, Alfred Mac Adam, and Margaret Sayers Peden, in addition to numerous
younger practitioners. Through the years, issues have focused on the above and other
iconic authors and on foundational works of literature such as García Márquez’s One
Hundred Years of Solitude, Pablo Neruda’s Residence on Earth, and Vargas Llosa’s
Conversation in the Cathedral, as well as on diverse and timely themes, including, most
recently, Cuba Inside and Out, Eco-Literature in Latin America, 21st Century Mexican
Writing and Arts, Latin American Cyber-culture, and The Americas in New York.
Review 92/93 (Fall 2016), guest-edited by Elizabeth Lowe, will focus on the Brazilian
Backlands in Literature and Arts. It will include scholarly articles on literature, film,
music, and art of the Brazilian Northeast; fiction by seminal figures such as José de
Alencar, Euclides da Cunha, Gracilano Ramos, and Ariano Suassuna, as well as cordel
poetry, and work by modern and contemporary authors such as João Cabral de Melo
Neto, Rachel de Queiroz, Marcelino Freire, Lispector, and Nélida Piñon. The issue will
include features by a plethora of writers from throughout the region, reviews of major
literary festivals and book fairs, and book reviews of new titles in English translation.
For further information about Review, visit:
Contact: Daniel Shapiro, Editor, at
or (212) 650-6338.
Review 91 (“A Year in Review,” Fall 2015). Cover-image by Lydia Rubio © 2015.
Last Updated: 01/30/2020 12:51