Review 103


The Department of Classical and Modern Languages & Literatures

the M.A. Program in Spanish, and Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group are pleased to invite the general publicto the VIRTUAL Launch of

Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas

País Portátil [Portable Country]: Contemporary Venezuelan Literature and Arts (no. 103, December 2021)


The event will be led by Daniel Shapiro, Editor; with comments by Javier Guerrero, Guest Editor; and comments/bilingual readings by authors, scholars, and translators Jacqueline Goldberg, Yolanda Pantin, G. J. Racz, Raquel Rivas Rojas, and Gina Saraceni.


Thursday, April 7, 2022, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. (ET)


To attend, click on this link:

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Review 103

            Review 103, guest-edited by Javier Guerrero (Princeton University), focuses on contemporary Venezuelan writing and arts, compiling a “portable country” of essays, poems, songs, short stories, and novel excerpts as a microcosm of the Venezuelan nation. The contents represent various generations of Venezuelan scholars, writers, and poets who explore themes including national and personal, identity; political ideology and violence; and migration, exile, and diaspora vis à vis Venezuelan intellectual life and activity inside and outside the country. Guerrero’s introduction is followed by articles by leading scholars of Latin American literature—Gustavo Guerrero, Yolanda Pantin, Gina Saraceni, and Cecilia Fajardo-Hill; and texts by iconic prose writers such as Rafael Cadenas, Victoria de Stefano, and Ana Teresa Torres, as well as by important younger writers—Rafael Castillo Zapata, Jacqueline Goldberg, Yolanda Pantin, and Karina Sainz Borgo, among others. Features include an excerpt from Andrés Bello’s nineteenth-century epic “Agriculture in the Torrid Zone”; a conversation by scholars Raquel Chang-Rodríguez, Alfred Mac Adam, Ana María Hernández, and Carlos Riobó on Mario Vargas Llosa’s The Time of the Hero) (CCNY Cátedra Mario Vargas Llosa); and the opening chapter from Jaime Manrique’s “If You See Me along the Road.” Book reviews cover titles by Sergio Ramírez, Guadalupe Nettel, Alonso Cueto, and others. Cover image: Alexander Apóstol; design: Daimys García.

            Review is published by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, in association with The City College of New York, CUNY, Department of Classical and Modern Languages & Literatures.


For information about Review please visit/contact:

Daniel Shapiro, at 212-650-6338



For the Department of Classical and Modern Languages & Literatures (CMLL), contact Dr. Ángel Estévez: .  For the M.A. Program in Spanish, contact Dr. Devid Paolini:


Grateful acknowledgment is made to CCNY’s Division of Humanities and the Arts for its generous support of Review.





Biographical Notes


Daniel Shapiro is Editor of Review:  Literature and Arts of the Americas and a Distinguished Lecturer at The City College of New York, Department of Classical and Modern Languages & Literatures. In addition to publishing poetry collections, he has translated Latin American authors and has received translation grants from PEN and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Javier Guerrero (Caracas, 1977) is an associate professor of Latin American Studies at Princeton University. He is the author of Tecnologías del cuerpo. Exhibicionismo y visualidad en América Latina (2014; Technologies of the Body: Exhibitionism and Visuality in Latin America), as well as the novel Balnearios de Etiopía (2013; Ethiopian Beaches). He edited Relatos enfermos (2015; Sick Tales) and Biopolíticas de la visualidad en la necrópolis contemporánea (2019; Biopolitics of Visuality in the Contemporary Necropolis), among other publications. From 2000 to 2004, he served as president of the Cinemateca Nacional de Venezuela.

Jacqueline Goldberg (Maracaibo, Venezuela, 1966) has published six books of fiction, ten children’s books, and twenty volumes of poetry. These include: La salud (2002; Health), Las horas claras (2013; The Bright Hours), Las bellas catástrofes (2018; Beautiful Catastrophes), and El cuarto de los temblores (2018; The Room of Tremors, 2022). Her text in Review 103 first appeared in 91st Meridian; the full-length trans-lation will be published by Autumn Hill Books.

Yolanda Pantin (Caracas, 1954), co-founder of the poetry group Tráfico, is the author of numerous books, including: Casa o lobo (1981; House or Wolf), La quietud (1998; The Calm), El hueso pélvico (2002; The Pelvic Bone), and País, poesía reunida 1981-2011 (2011; Country, Collected Poetry 1981-2011). Among other awards, she received the 2017 Casa de América Prize for Lo que hace el tiempo (What Time Does).

G. J. Racz is professor of English, Philosophy and Languages at LIU Brooklyn, a past president of the American Literary Translation Association, and review editor for Translation Review.  His latest translation is Eduardo Chirinos, A Brief History of Music and “Fourteen Forms of Melancholy” (2021).

Raquel Rivas Rojas (Guanare, Venezuela, 1962) has published Narrar en dictadura (2011; Narrative under Dictatorship), the short story collection El patio del vecino (2013; The Neighbor’s Patio), and the novels Muerte en el Guaire (2016; Death in the Guaire) and El Accidente (2018; The Accident). She also maintains two blogs: Notas para Eliza (Notes for Eliza) and Cuentos de la Caldera Este (Stories of the Eastern Cauldron).

Gina Saraceni, (Caracas, 1966) is the author of Escribir hacia atrás (2008; Writing Backwards), La soberanía del defecto (2012; The Sovereignty of the Defect), and Rasgos comunes. Antología de la poesía venezolana del siglo XX (2019; Common Features: Anthology of Venezuelan Poetry in the Twentieth Century), as well as of poetry such as Salobre (2004; Salty) and Adriático (2021; Adriatic). She is an associate professor at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá.

All the participants above have contributed to Review 103 (País Portátil:  Contemporary Venezuelan Literature and Arts.


Last Updated: 03/25/2022 08:34