Bruce Podwal Seminar Series
Applying Green Infrastructure in NYC
Dr. Ozlen Ozkurt
Associate Vice President – Water Department Manager
Dewberry Engineers Inc.
12 – 1 pm, Thursday, March 21, 2019
Civil Engineering Department, Room 105, Steinman Hall
Light Lunch will be served
Abstract: In 2010, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) began implementing a citywide Green Infrastructure Program to manage stormwater runoff that would otherwise discharge into the combined sewer system and contribute to combined sewer overflows (CSOs). Investing in green infrastructure is a cost-effective, resilient approach to improve the quality of New York City’s waterways while bringing multiple benefits to local communities, including improved air quality, increased shade, and reducing heat island effects. Green infrastructure also enhances the aesthetics of New York City’s neighborhoods and provides economic opportunities for green jobs. Over the course of 20 years, DEP will continue to implement innovative, cost-effective green infrastructure to manage one inch of stormwater runoff from 10 percent of impervious surfaces in combined sewer areas of the City. DEP is planning for $2.4 billion in public and private funding for targeted green infrastructure installations and will require significant input from other city agency partners, designers, construction managers and contractors to achieve this goal. In this talk, I will talk about the DEP’s green infrastructure program, give examples of the selection processes and criteria and the key design challenges of Green infrastructure that evolved in NYC neighborhoods. I will also show some examples of innovative approaches in real projects.
Biography: Ozlen Ozkurt, PhD, PE, CFM, ENV SP is an Associate Vice President in Dewberry Engineers Inc. with over 20 years of experience in sustainable design, hydrologic and hydraulic management, storm water management, green infrastructure, resiliency and integrated water resources management. Her engineering background has enabled her to develop integrated water management solutions while making sure innovative approach has been incorporated. She received a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from Istanbul Technical University in 1997; she continued her studies at the same university and obtained her post-graduate diploma in Hydraulics in 1999; and completed her Doctoral Degree in Civil Engineering from City University of New York in 2006. She is a Certified Flood Manager, Professional Engineer and Envision Sustainability Professional. She is currently the Water Department Manager in NYC office, managing multi-million dollar projects and ensuring technical excellence and quality across the region. She is associated with many National International Professional Societies and Organizations and co-authored over ten Technical Papers.
Last Updated: 03/18/2019 14:42