Honorary Degree Recipients

Year Recipient Degree Conferred
2023 Bryan A. Stevenson Doctor of Humane Letter
2023 Joseph L. Fleischer '65 BA, '66 BArch Doctor of Humane Letter
2022 Stanley Nelson Doctor of Fine Arts
2022 Anthony S. Fauci Doctor of Science
2021 Alondra Nelson Doctor of Humane Letters
2021 Edward Blank Doctor of Humane Letters
2019 Edward S. Plotkin '53 CE, '56 MCE, '58 MBA Doctor of Science
2019 The Honorable John Robert Lewis Doctor of Humane Letters
2018 Harold Scheraga '41 Doctor of Science
2018 Seymour L. Moskowitz '54 ME Doctor of Science
2018 Anita Hill Doctor of Humane Letters
2017 David Diaz '65 Doctor of Humane Letters
2017 Robert E. Kahn '60 Doctor of Science
2017 Deborah Meier Doctor of Humane Letters
2016 Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama Doctor of Humane Letters
2015 Ursual Burns Doctor of Humane Letters
2015 John O'Keefe '63 BA Doctor of Science
2015 Michael Pope '44 BEE Doctor of Science
2014 Lillias White '78 Doctor of Fine Arts
2014 Millard (Mickey) Drexler Doctor of Humane Letters
2014 Henry D. Perahia '71 BME, '73 MME Doctor of Science
2013 Martin Cohen '70 Doctorate of Science
2012 Kathleen Battle Doctor of Humane Letters
2012 Harvey Kaylie '60 Doctorate of Science
2012 Rafael Angel Suarez, Jr. Doctorate of Humane Letters
2012 Sheldon Weinbaum Doctorate of Science
2011 Bert E. Brodsky '64 Doctor of Humane Letters
2011 Anthony M. Johnson '81 Doctor of Science
2011 Edward I. Koch '81 Doctor of Humane Letters
2011 Bernard Spitzer '43 Doctor of Humane Letters
2010 Mario Vargas Llosa Doctorate of Letters
2010 H. Jack Geiger Doctor of Humane letters
2010 Sy Sternberg '65 Doctore of Humane Letters
2009 Geoffrey Canada Doctor of Humane Letters
2009 Thelma Golden Doctor of Humane Letters
2008 Eli Weisel Doctor of Letters
2008 Enrique Carbajal Doctor of Humane Letters
2007 Larry Gralla '51 Doctor of Humane letters
2007 Johann Matzenauer Doctor of Humane letters
2007 Mario Jose Molina Doctor of Science
2006 Howard Dodson Doctor of Humane Letters
2006 Harry Lustig Doctor of Science
2005 Oscar de la Renta Doctor of Humane letters
2005 Joseph H. Flom Doctor of Laws
2004 Walter Mosley '91 Doctor of Humane Letters
2004 Richard Schiff '83 Doctor of Humane Letters
2004 Frank J. Sciame, Jr. Doctor of Fine Arts
2004 William Jefferson Clinton Doctor of Laws
2003 Reverend Calvin O. Butts Doctor of Humane Letters
2003 Cristo and Jeanne-Claude Doctors of Fine Arts
2003 Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson Doctor of Humane Letters
2002 Dr. Andreas Acrivos Doctor of Science
2002 Dr. Irving Adler Doctor of Humane Letters
2002 Frank O. Gehry Doctor of Fine Arts
2002 Dr. David Satcher Doctor of Science
2001 Rita Moreno Doctor of Fine Arts
2000 Joyce R. Coppin '58 Doctor of Humane letters
2000 Nathan Glazer '44 Doctor of Humane letters
2000 George Lamming Doctor of Humane letters
2000 Henry J. Stern '54 Doctor of Laws
2000 David Halberstam Doctor of Humane letters
1999 Robert Geddes Doctor of Humane Letters
1999 Mario Runco, Jr. '74 Doctor of Science
1999 Josh S. Weston '50 Doctor of Humane Letters
1998 Rudolph F. Crew Doctor of Humane letters
1997 Arthur Gelb Doctor of Humane letters
1997 Leonard Kleinrock '57 Doctor of Science
1996 Ellen V. Futter Doctor of Laws
1996 Seymour L. Gartenberg '52 Doctor of Humane Letters
1996 Oscar Hijuelos '75, '84 MA Doctor of Letters
1995 Lonnie R. Bristow '53 Doctor of Science
1995 Helen Frankenthaler Doctor of Fine Arts
1995 Bernard H. Mendik '54 Doctor of Laws
1995 Percy E. Sutton Doctor of Laws
1994 Robert Hamilton Blackburn Doctor of Fine Arts
1994 James Bruce Llewellyn Doctor of Laws
1994 Albert Wohlstetter Doctor of Letters
1993 Juan Bosch Doctor of Letters
1993 Daniel S. Goldin Doctor of Science
1993 Wilbur L. Pritchard Doctor of Science
1993 Jack Rudin Doctor of Humane Letters
1992 Chinua Achebe Doctor of Letters
1992 Mary Schmidt Campbell Doctor of Fine Arts
1992 Whitman Knapp Doctor of Laws
1992 Louis Nunez Doctor of Humane Letters
1991 Erich Bloch Doctor of Science
1991 Faith Ringold Doctor of Fine Arts
1991 Herbert Robinson Doctor of Laws
1991 Edwin Torres Doctor of Laws
1990 Harry Belafonte Doctor of Humane Letters
1990 Miriam Colon Doctor of Humane Letters
1990 Jakes Gerwel Doctor of Humane Letters
1990 Lee Lorch Doctor of Humane Letters
1990 Colin L. Powell Doctor of Laws
1990 Adrienne Rich Doctor of Letters
1989 Daniel Bell Doctor of Laws
1989 Morton Deutsch Doctor of Humane Letters
1989 Irene Diamond Doctor of Humane Letters
1989 Paul Jr. Moore Doctor of Humane Letters
1989 Lloyd George Richards Doctor of Humane Letters
1988 Carlos Fuentes Doctor of Letters
1988 Stanley Kaplan Doctor of Humane Letters
1988 Sarah Lawrence Lightfoot Doctor of Humane Letters
1988 Alfred R. Moran Doctor of Humane Letters
1988 Guang-Zhao Zhou Doctor of Science
1987 Marian Anderson Doctor of Humane Letters
1987 Kenneth Clark Doctor of Laws
1987 Bernard Schwartz Doctor of Science
1986 Mary Berry Doctor of Laws
1986 Henry Cisneros Doctor of Laws
1986 Herbert Hauptman Doctor of Science
1986 Jerome Karle Doctor of Science
1985 Ella Jo Baker Doctor of Humane Letters
1985 Nadine Gordimer Doctor of Letters
1985 Andrew S. Grove Doctor of Science
1984 Jewel Plummer Cobb Doctor of Science
1984 Lawrence Arthur Cremin Doctor of Humane Letters
1984 Abdus Salam Doctor of Science
1983 Bernard Taub Feld Doctor of Science
1983 Helson Rolihlahla Mandela Doctor of Laws
1983 Walter Frederick Mondale Doctor of Laws
1982 James Baldwin Doctor of Humane Letters
1982 Bruno Adrienr Boley Doctor of Science
1982 Sir Moses Finley Doctor of Humane Letters
1982 Felipe Neri Torres Doctor of Laws
1981 Francine Du Plessix Gray Doctor of Letters
1981 Filomen Maria D'Agostino Greenberg Doctor of Humane Letters
1981 Xie Xide Doctor of Science
1980 Jose Fernando Zalaquett Daher Doctor of Laws
1980 Vernon Eulion Jr. Jordon Doctor of Laws
1980 Leon Max Lederman Doctor of Science
1980 Bernard Malamud Doctor of Humane Letters
1980 Robert Eugene Marshak Doctor of Humane Letters
1979 John Brademas Doctor of Humane Letters
1979 Joseph D. Duffey Doctor of Humane Letters
1979 Ella Fitzgerald Doctor of Music
1979 Alfred Gellhorn Doctor of Science
1979 Edgar "Yip" Harburg Doctor of Fine Arts
1979 Dorothy Height Doctor of Humane Letters
1979 Arthur Mitchell Doctor of Fine Arts
1979 Louise Nevelson Doctor of Fine Arts
1979 Arno Penzias Doctor  of Science
1979 Arnold Picker Doctor of Humane Letters
1979 Douglas Turner Ward Doctor of Fine Arts
1978 Gwendolyn Brooks Doctor of Letters
1978 Tsung-Dao Lee Doctor of Science
1978 Justine Wise Polier Doctor of Laws
1978 Simon Hirsch Rifkind Doctor of Laws
1978 Clifton R. Jr. Wharton Doctor of Humane Letters
1977 Joseph A. Jr. Califano Doctor of Laws
1977 Sophie Davis Doctor of Humane Letters
1977 Adrian E. A. DeWind Doctor of Laws
1977 Fred M. Hechinger Doctor of Humane Letters
1977 Robert J. Mangum Doctor of Laws
1977 I. I. Rabi Doctor of Science
1976 Herbert Bienstock Doctor of Laws
1975 Eleanor Holmes Norton Doctor of Laws
1974 Abraham M. Rosenthal Doctor of Laws
1972 Kenneth J. Arrow Doctor of Laws
1972 Julius Axelrod Doctor of Laws
1972 Herman Badillo Doctor of Laws
1972 Leonard B. Davis Doctor of Humanities
1972 Jacob Feld Doctor of Laws
1972 Stanley H. Fuld Doctor of Laws
1972 Buell G. Gallagher Doctor of Humanities
1972 Philip Handler Doctor of Laws
1972 Milton Halpern Doctor of Laws
1972 Edgar Johnson Doctor of Letters
1972 Ernest Nagel Doctor of Humanities
1972 Frank Press Doctor of Laws
1972 A. Philip Randolph Doctor of Laws
1972 Julian Schwinger Doctor of Laws
1971 Coretta Scott King  
1966 Charles H. Tuttle Doctor of Laws
1964 Morton Gottschall Doctor of Humane Letters
1963 Martin Luther King  
1962 Robert Hofstadter Doctor of Laws
1960 Arthur Kornberg Doctor of Laws
1955 Jonas Salk Doctor of Laws
1953 Harry N. Wright Doctor of Laws
1947 Bernard Mannes Baruch Doctor of Laws
1947 Stephen Pierce Duggan Doctor of Laws
1947 Gano Dunn Doctor of Science
1947 Charles Albert Elsberg Doctor of Science
1947 Felix Frankfurter Doctor of Laws
1947 David Barnard Steinman Doctor of Science
1947 Robert Ferdinand Wagner Doctor of Laws
1893 Russell Sturgis, BA 1856 Doctor of Philosophy
1892 Cleveland Abbe, BA 1857, MA 1860 Doctor of Philosophy
1892 John Bach McMaster, BA 1872 Doctor of Philosophy

Last Updated: 01/08/2025 13:31