CCNY Navigate...
Allows faculty and staff to proactively, collaboratively, and efficiently provide the right supports for students at the right times to guide students to a strong path to graduation.
What Is CCNY Navigate?
CCNY Navigate is an interactive coordinated care platform designed to help students succeed and enhance the CCNY experience for everyone. CCNY Navigate enables staff and faculty to connect students more efficiently with advising and the college's various support programs and enrichment opportunities. Administrators are able to manage their department's or team's use of the platform, run reports to keep tabs on the success of the students they serve and measure the impact that various program or interventions have had on that success.
Introduction to CCNY Navigate for Administrators
CCNY faculty and staff in the following positions are considered "Administrators" in CCNY Navigate:
- College Senior Leadership
- School/Division Deans
- Deans' staff (with Dean's approval)
- Directors of Advising/Advising Leads
- Academic Department Chairs/Academic Program Directors
- Academic Department Administrators
- Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Directors
- SAEM staff (with Director's approval)
- Divisional Student Success Directors
- Tutoring Center Coordinators
Features & Tools for Administrators
- Reports
- Analytics
- Communication with Students
- Advanced Search
- Campaigns
If you would like access to these features based on your position, please email navigatehelp@ccny.cuny.edu .
Faculty and staff users must use their CUNYFirst credentials to access either of the CCNY Navigate sites through the links below:
- Production Site: https://ccny-cuny.campus.eab.com
- Training Site: https://ccny-cuny.campus-training3.eab.com
Accessing CCNY Navigate
Faculty and staff users must use their CUNYFirst credentials to access either of the CCNY Navigate sites through the links below:
- Production Site: https://ccny-cuny.campus.eab.com
- Training Site: https://ccny-cuny.campus-training3.eab.com
Key Features
NOTE: several of the links in this section will bring you to the Navigate Help Center. You need to be logged in to Navigate and the Help Center in another browser window before you click on the link in order to access the article. From your home page, click on ? in the upper right-hand corner of the page, select Help Center & Support Links, then select Help Center. |
Advanced Search
Advanced Search is a powerful search function in CCNY Navigate that lets you create unique cohorts of students based on the layering of various search parameters. To access the Advanced Search filters, navigate to the Advanced Search magnifying glass icon on the left side toolbar.
The Advanced Search interface is utilized in several other features (Campaigns, Student Lists, etc.) so it is recommended that users become familiar with it. See the Suggested Searches section below for recommended searches and the parameters of each.
Saved Searches allows users to save an Advanced Search without having to create the search each time. Once you save a search you will be able to access it form the "Saved Searches" drop-down menu on the Advanced Search page and it will be listed on the Lists & Saved Items page.
Campaigns let staff reach out to specific student populations and encourage them to take some action. There are two types of campaigns available to advisors:
- Appointment Campaigns: Allow staff to reach out to specific student populations and encourage them to schedule appointments. Appointment campaigns can be used to have students schedule an appointment with an individual advisor or sign up for an event. (Contact navigatehelp@ccny.cuny.edu if you need t create event services.)
- Messaging Campaigns: Allow staff to email or text a group of students on specified dates about things they need to do or activities they need to attend. This type of campaign has no objective, unlike Appointment so students receive all messages (SMS or email) in the campaign.
Communication with Students through Navigate
Advisors have the ability to send email and text messages to students individually or in groups through CCNY Navigate.
It is important to keep in mind that all correspondence sent through the platform becomes a part of the student's educational record and is therefore covered by the Family Educational Rights And Privacy Act (FERPA)
Memorializing Interactions with Students
One of the benefits of a coordinated care system, such as CCNY Navigate, is the ability to keep records of conversations with a student in one place. Additionally this information, for the most part, is available to all users with a legitimate educational need to access it. For example, a student's instructors and advisors will be able to access this information but a tutor or front desk person will not be able to.
There are two ways to memorialize interactions with students: Appointment Summaries and Notes
Appointment Summaries users to document information about a specific student appointment, whether the appointment was scheduled, a drop-in, or the student was a no-show. Each Care Unit has a unique appointment summary template.
Notes offer an additional mechanism to jot down information about a student, collaborate across campus, and create a record of information provided directly to the student. Notes are not tied to student appointments.
Notifications and Cases
Notifications draw attention to students who may be at risk for a variety of reasons. Notifications are often issued based on information or behavior discovered during faculty/staff interactions with students. Notifications are the method by which faculty and staff can provide valuable feedback to students about their performance while providing information about valuable campus resources and/or important administrative offices. Faculty and staff can use Notifications to send kudos to students who are doing well!
Cases are created by specific notification reasons that require more attention. A case will be assigned to a staff member for follow-up with the student in question. Once the case is closed, a notification will be sent to the faculty or staff member that issued the notification.
CCNY Navigate has a number of standard reports that allow administrators access to student-level data contained in the platform. The reports system was updated in 2023 to the latest version: V3. See the "Reports" section below for the list of available reports and information about the V3 system.
As a single source of consolidated data points, Navigate360 creates a unified analytics platform which links numerous campus stakeholders around student success challenges. EAB uses best practice data insights so your administrators can make informed decisions around student intervention strategies, such as improving student interactions and maximizing faculty and staff workflow.
EAB recently updated CCNY Navigate's reporting capabilities by introducing V-3 reports. V3 reports have advanced filtering options and new grid styling and functionality. These V3 reports will produce the same results as V-2 reports, which are still available for the time being. We do not currently have a date for their removal.
V-3 Reports
Getting Started with V-3 Reports
V-3 reports represent a complete overhaul of the reporting capabilities of CCNY Navigate. If you have use the older V-2 Reports or are new to reporting we recommend reviewing the V-3 Reports help center article. It is an incredibly introduction to using V3 Reports. Please peruse this article, familiarizing yourself with the Report Descriptions (what purpose does each report serve/what information can I get from this report), How to Build a V3 Report, What you can do with Report Results (export, pivot tables and charts, Navigate Actions, etc.), How to Save or Automate a Report, and more.
One of the major changes between the V2 and V3 versions of Navigate360 Reports is how queries are created. While the fields/filters used to create the queries are largely the same, the way they are put together is now more flexible and uses conditions in a way very similar to how they are used in Excel and/or Google Sheets reporting. Before diving in to setting up your own reports it is recommended that you review this Navigate Help Center Article: Understanding Conditions in V-3 Reports.
We understand that becoming familiar with a new feature can be overwhelming. To get you started, EAB has put together a V-3 Reports Starter Pack of commonly used reports and the filters you would use to build each.
Click here to view the 4-17-2024 CCNY Navigate Training on V3 Reports.
Accessing V-3 Reports
Click on the reporting icon (shown above) on the left-hand navigation bar to access the Reporting Page. Then click on the "Standard Report" Tab.
V-3 Reports Available in CCNY Navigate
The following reports are available to CCNY Navigate users. article in the EAB Navigate Help Center that describes the data that are returned by each report. Clicking on the link will bring you to the Help Center SSO Login page. You will need to select CUNY City College and then use your CUNYFirst Credentials to log in. Each link below lead to an article that details the filters and data fileds availble for each report
Appointment/Visit Reports
- Appointments: Each row represents an individual attendance.
- Appointment Summaries: Each row represents a single appointment summary instance created within the date range chosen.
- Appointment Requests: This report will show any appointment request created by a user within the platform. Each row represents a single appointment request instance within the date range chosen.
- Appointment Campaigns: This report will show any appointment campaign invitation sent by a user within the platform. Each row represents a single campaign invitation sent to a unique student within the date range chosen.
- Check-ins: This report will show any check-in for a visit within the date range chosen. Useful when using the "Record Visit" option in the Kiosk.
Intervention Reports
- Notifications (Alerts): Each row in the Notifications report represents a single Notification instance within the selected date range.
- Cases: Cases are electronic case files created by certain Notifications. Cases create a more formal next step for action on the issued Notification if needed. Staff across departments can also coordinate and collaborate on follow-up. Each row represents a single Case instance within the date range.
- Progress Reports: Progress Reports are a course-based review of an individual student's academic and/or behavioral performance at key times during the term. Through Progress Reports, you can collect information on a student’s likelihood of failing a class, their current or anticipated grade, current absences, and potential alerts.
Student Data Reports
- Notes: The Notes report shows any note created by a user within Navigate Staff. A single row represents a single note instance with the created Date within the date range chosen. If the note was created for multiple students, you will find one row per student with the note data.
- Student Enrollments: This report will show any course enrollments a student has within the selected term. A single row represents a single enrollment instance within the selected term. You will find one row per student course enrollment with the associated data - if a student is enrolled in five classes, you will see five lines for that particular student.
- Student Info: This report is also known as the Students Active for Term report. This report includes a Term filter. This report shows general information for students in the platform. A single row represents a single student.
Staff Reports
- Availabilities: This report shows any appointment, campaign, or drop-in availability created by a user within the platform. Users with certain permissions may use this report to create and edit availability for other users. A single row represents a single availability instance within the date range chosen.
V-2 Reports
V2 Reports are a more simple, less complex version of the V3 reports. When building V2 Reports they appear exactly like the Advanced Search feature that some of you may be familiar with using. If you have saved any V-2 reports, you can still access them through the "Saved Reports tab on the Reporting page. However, when V-2 reports are deprecated, they will no longer be available. If you are interested in learning more about V-2 reports we suggest this article.
Accessing V-2 Reports
To access the V2 Reports select the Reporting icon, then ‘Standard Reports’, and finally the “Click Here” link.
Recommended Searches
These are searched that many administrators find helpful. The links will bring you to a PDF that will outline how to setup the basic search and how customize the search to your needs. Additionally, reviewing these searches will illustrate best practices for utilizing the Advanced Search interface to design your own searches.
Potential Stop Outs: Students who are enrolled for the current term but are not enrolled for the following term.
Students Who Applied for Graduation: Please not that this will show students who applied for graduation irregardless of which conferral date they applied for.
Students with a Cumulative GPA between 2.0 and 3.0: To illustrate using the Performance Data fields.
Students Who Graduated: All students with "Degree Awarded" in CUNYFirst.
Last Updated: 01/08/2025 14:47