World Philosophy Day: Keynote Talk with Professor Rob Colter "Philosophy in the Ivory Tower, Philosophy behind Bars"

Thu, Nov 21, 2024 - 06:00 PM — Thu, Nov 21, 2024 - 07:30 PM
Admission Fee
Event Address
The City College of New York
Event Location
NAC 1/203
Event Details

The keynote speaker will be Prof. Rob Colter from the University of Wyoming, who will be giving a talk on "Philosophy in the Ivory Tower Philosophy behind Bars."

The question "What is philosophy?" comes u in a variety of contexts. It might come from the parents of a student taking a class, from the person sitting next to you on an airplane, or perhaps from your least favorite philosophy professor. One very popular answer, goin back at least to the ancient Greeks, goes like this: Philosophy is some sort of sublime mental activity that can only be accessed by elite thinkers who are able to  truly devote themselves to philosophical development, to the exclusion of all else, at least as far a possible. But there is another answer on offer in the history of philosophy - a much more humble one. We will try to articulate this conception of philosophy and see how it might be  practiced  among  a  particularly underprivileged population - the incarcerated. Prof. Colter is Senior Lecturer in the Department  of  Philosophy and Religious Studies at University of Wyoming, founder an Director of Wyoming Stoic Camp, and Co Director of Wyoming Pathways from Prison.

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