Physics Colloquium: Kartiek Agarwal, "Dynamical decoupling and majorana zero modes"
Wednesday, May 12, 2021 from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM
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Physics Colloquium
Dynamical decoupling and majorana zero modes
Kartiek Agarwal
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics, McGill University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
General wisdom states that vigorously driving a many-body quantum system leads to heating which turns it into an incoherent soup. Contrary to this wisdom, we now understand that the presence of strong quenched disorder, and/or driving at relatively large frequencies, can delay heating to exponentially late times, while engendering quantum phases with no equilibrium analog at shorter times. I will provide an introduction to some of these latest developments. Next, I will discuss how a certain class of driving protocols can be robustly implemented with majorana zero modes (MZMs) realized in topological superconductors. These dynamical protocols can in turn be designed to further ``purify" the approximate MZMs engineered, and realize novel quantum Hamiltonians.