Mathematics Colloquium: Invariants of Words from Random Group Elements
160 Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031
Room: 6/115
Professor Doron Puder(Tel Aviv University)
Let w be a word in a free group and let G be a finite group (or more generally, a compact group). A w-random element of G is obtained by substituting the letters of w with uniform random elements from G. For example, if w=xyxy^{-2}, the random element is ghg^{-2}, with g and h independent random elements of G. In a series of works with various coauthors, we discovered that in nice families of groups, such as the symmetric groups or the unitary groups, some very interesting invariants of the word w can be extracted from w-random elements.
Note: This story involves probability, topology, algebra, combinatorics and representation theory. In the talk, which is aimed at graduate students, I will try to give a flavor of these interesting phenomena.