Legal Issues and Indie Filmmakers

Tue, Dec 05, 2023 - 06:30 PM — Tue, Dec 05, 2023 - 08:30 PM
Admission Fee
Event Address
City College of NY
Phone Number
212 947-9277x16
Event Location
Event Details
Banner for Legal Issues talk

Hear from entertainment attorney Christine Fleury about the basic legal need-to-knows for indie filmmakers.

Documentary Filmmaker and Spelman Professor Anjanette Levert talks to Entertainment Attorney Christine Fleury about some common legal issues encountered in documentary filmmaking in this online event.

We will discuss:

Contracts: What do contracts do for you and when do you need them? when and how to have a conversation about compensation, expectations and how to put it in writing. In terms of contracts what makes the most sense? Is it a template deal memo, a customized MOU or a contract you create?

Business Entities: What business entity should your film be under LLC, S corp or C corp? How do they differ?

Licensing footage and what to take out and what to add into your contract.

How does AI factor into your interview/on camera releases and other contracts?
Do you really need a release for everything?

Join us virtually for a necessary convo for indie filmmakers, Tuesday, Dec 5th at 6:30 PM. Your RSVP, you'll be sent a zoom link for the talk. Free!

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Presented by the Documentary Forum at CCNY and Third World Newsreel.

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