Jason Chebib's @BIC Lecture "Marketing: Dead or Alive"

Join us Thursday, November 14th at 6PM at The City College of New York for our upcoming @BIC Lecture "Marketing: Dead or Alive" by Diageo's Jason Chebib. According to a recent Forbes article, "Are CMOs becoming extinct?" the role of the marketing professional has become more challenging, more stressful, and perhaps even...obsolete? Come hear Jason argue why marketing is actually more exciting and vital than ever.
Thursday, November 14th, 2019
6:00PM to 7:00PM
The City College of New York
259 Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031
ABOUT Jason Chebib. As VP, Consumer Planning at Diageo North America, Jason oversees consumer strategy across Diageo’s portfolio of leading Spirits and Beer Brands, in the US and Canada. Prior to moving to New York, Jason was Global Planning Director, Whiskies, based in Amsterdam. Unsurprisingly, (he loves Scotch), this was the role that tempted Jason into joining Diageo. Preceding a six-year stint as a Brand Consultant and Marketing trainer, Jason had a career in ad agencies in London, including Ogilvy, J Walter Thompson, Publicis and BBDO.
Alongside multiple creative awards, he won two APG Creative Planning Golds, an IPA Effectiveness Award and a Marketing Society Award. Jason is a founding member of The Marketing Society New York, and Chair of the ANA’s Agency Relations Committee. Jason has a First from Oxford, but would cheerfully swap it for Arsenal FC to win the Premier League.

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