Drive Growth by Picking the Right Lane: A Playbook for Consumer Startups
Want to learn how to drive growth, and develop a customer acquisition playbook for your consumer startup?
Join Ellie Li, co-founder of, for this startup workshop hosted by the Zahn Innovation Center at the City College of New York and NYDesigns, a program of LaGuardia Community College. This workshop will be held on Wednesday, January 27th from 5:30-6:30pm via Zoom. Register here & the Zoom link will be sent to you prior to the event.
Here's what you'll learn:
One of the more common questions founders ask, especially early on, is about finding more ways to grow. The questions are often phrased like, “How can we add some SEO?” or “How can we make our product more viral?” Unfortunately, this often leads to founders running head-first into one of the most common startup failure modes: investing in too many channels at once, and as a result not investing in any one channel enough. Ellie will share her tried and true methods of driving growth in her early founder days and how to use experimentation and growth mindset to drive growth.
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