Useful Resources

If you have been dismissed from the GSOE and wish to return, you must appeal to the Committe on Course and Standings.  If so, you will need to use the following :  Appeals Letter for GSOE

If you are an undergraduate and wish to enroll in a graduate level courses to fulfill your engineering or technical elective, you will need to use the following:  Permission To Take Graduate Course 

Graduate Course Permission Process:
1.Obtain a registration form and complete Part I (Form sent to your email address)
2.Obtain required signatures (in outlined order)
3.Return completed form to


If you would like to enroll in BME 59100 (1 credit), BME 59001 (1 credit), BME 59002 (2 credit) or BME 59000 (3 credit), complete the following steps:
*Independent Study Course Process: STEP 1. Identify the course you would like to take and discuss with your BME advisor as well as the BME faculty member who has agreed to oversee the coursework and/or assignment(s).   STEP 2. Once you have an understanding of the coursework and/or assignments required for the course, complete the “Request for Independent Study” form with the BME faculty member who agreed to supervise the coursework and/or assignments.  Once complete, the faculty member will sign and forward to appropriate office for registration. 

If you would like to become a member of the BME Departmental Executive Committee, you will need to use the following: Departmental Exec. Committee (DEC)



The accelerated master's (4+1) options allow undergraduate students in certain majors to take a limited number of master's-level courses, each of which will satisfy both an undergraduate degree requirement and a requirement in a future related master's program.  The 4+1 option also simplifies future admission to the master's program.


Apply during

  • May 15 – June 15 to start in the fall semester
  • Nov 15 – Dec 15 to start in the spring semester

Admissions requirements:

  1. BME major
  2. GPA at least 3.0
  3. GPA at least 3.3 in BME courses numbered 20000 or higher
  4. 60 credits completed by the start of the first semester in the option
  5. Recommendation letters from two BME faculty
  6. Personal statement

Maximum transferable graduate courses (B grade or higher):
12 credits

To apply:


Last Updated: 05/17/2024 17:33