Ayesha Awwal


Hello everyone! My name is Ayesha Awwal and I’m a junior in the City College of New York where I am pursuing my BS in Biology. As someone who enjoys a good challenge and recognizes the importance of building strong rapport in professional settings, I’ve taken upon several leadership roles in and out of college. I hope to accumulate a plethora of valuable experiences which will prove to be of vital importance in graduate school, and ultimately my future career. Being surrounded by amazing mentors and peers who’ve helped guide me throughout numerous ventures in college, I’ve come to understand the importance of having the proper guidance. Whether it be from an academic standpoint, a social standpoint, or even a professional standpoint, it’s always important to ask questions and be involved in activities which’ll contribute to helping you find your fit in the “real world”. I started off as a member in each of these respective clubs, and I’m now beyond grateful to be given the opportunity to be a part of their executive boards. I am the historian of the Tri Beta Honor Society, the Director of Digital Development of the Biology Club, and the Secretary of Humanizing CCNY. In addition to that, I volunteer as a medical assistant in a pre-op clinic and work as a clinical assistant/medical administrator in a general medical facility. I’m also very excited to have been chosen to be a part of the 2021-2022 cohort of the S Jay Levy Fellowship for Future Leaders. I’m looking forward to learning from you all and I hope we can work to make the most of our time in this immensely collaborative environment! We should all work towards growing both academically and professionally by utilizing the tools we have at our disposal to make the most of our time here at CCNY.

Last Updated: 04/01/2024 10:44